Daily Archives: March 15, 2016

Free Write 3-11

“This is your pilot speaking. I would like to assure you that we are going to Africa. If you don’t want to go, get off now,” boomed the speakers. I didn’t want to go to Africa, I thought this was the plane to Colombia. But it was too late to get off now. The plane was taking off already. Oh well. I guess I’ll try Africa.

Sometime later we finally arrived and I went to ask someone to help me find a place to stay. “Tsmia louk,” some African woman said. I had no idea what she was talking about so I asked an old man walking by. “Tsmia louk.” Why is everyone saying this? I didn’t know so I wrote on a paper, “Can you read this? If yes, please help me find a place to stay.”

I showed this sign to everyone, but they said, “Miase vow?” which was a question to me.