My career writing!!

Dance Teacher/ Choreagrapher

By Grace Folker


If dancing is a career you’re interested in, be prepared to give a lot of effort because dancing requires patience, flexibility, and organization. Dancing is hard but it is really fun. You get to learn dances and they are super fun.

You need to have patience. The reason that you have to have patience is because the children don’t know how to do the moves right of the bat. You have to help them learn how to do the moves. 90% of the children that go into dance studios don’t know how to do most of the hard moves. You can’t get mad if the children don’t get it right the first time. They have to learn. It called dance class for a reason. They come to learn not get yelled at because they can’t do it. You have to be able to get the children to be able to do the dance on time. If they are in competiton then they have to get their dance done by then and if they are in a recital then they have to be done by then. You have to keep the kids from goofing of and you have to make them get down to work. That is why you have to have patience.


Having patience is important but being flexible is just as important.You need to be flexible to be a dance teacher/choreagrapher. The reason you have to be flexible is because if something goes wrong then you have to do what goes wrong. If someone is running the sound booth at the recital and then they need to preform then they dance teacher has to go up there and run that for the time the person is on the stage. If someone gets hurt or sick, the dance teacher knows the dance so the dance teacher would fill in for them. You also have to be physically flexible too. The reason that I say this is because in dance if you are not flexible it won’t look as good as it could. You have to get flexible because then you can teach the children more things. If you aren’t flexible then you won’t be able to teach the kids by showing then you would have to describe it to them but then they won’t be able to get it correctly because most kids need to see it. Most kids need to see what is happening to do it. I am not saying all kids need to see it but most of then need to be able too. That is why you have to be flexible.


Being flexible can help you a lot but you also have to be very organized.You also have to be organized. The reason that you have to be organized is because if your a dance teacher/ choreagrapher then you make a lot of dances and you have to write them down so that you don’t forget what you where thinking. If you aren’t organized then you won’t be able to find the papers that you wrote the dance on and then you will have to restart. You also have to be organized in the studio. ( or wherever you work) You get a lot of boxes because of the costumes and everything for the dancers. You can’t have boxes laying all over the floor. The dancers won’t be able to dance if you have stuff everywhere. You also have to be very organized with your space. If you don’t previde space then the dancers won’t be able to dance. That is why you have to be organized.  


If teaching dance is what you want to do then you have to have patience, flexibility and organization. If you aren’t any of those you will either be a big mess or you might want to try something different to get those skills up so you can be a dance teacher/ choreographer. Just know to never give up.

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