Is dance a sport??

I think dance is a sport do you? I say this because just like any other sport they work your body and make your muscles stronger. Other people don’t think dance is a sport because we don’t run around and hurt people. Well that is wrong dance is a sport, we workout we get more flexible. Doing dance actually helps your brain. Other sports such as, basketball, football, and soccer can mess up your brain, you could get a concussion doing football, basketball, and soccer. The only thing that could probably hurt you is if you fall on the stage. People think that people get hurt to much while dancing. That isn’t true though we usually don’t fall in dance. We are in a higher level though. If you don’t feel comfortable in a higher level then you could stay in a lower level. Then you can work your way higher.  So to all the people out there who think dance isn’t a sport. Well it is.

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