Favorite Memory

The first question that I asked Tanner was, what did it smell like? Tanner said it smelled like burnt rubber. Tanner said that the burnt rubber didn’t smell that good. Tanner also said it smelled like a bunch of food. That was the first question and answer.

The second question I asked Tanner was, what did it look like? Tanner said the stadium looked like an oval. Since the stadium is an oval so is the track. I thought it was a circle, but for a fun fact he said the cars couldn’t turn properly if it was a circle.

The third question that I asked Tanner was, what did it sound like? Tanner said it sounded like the roaring of engines. He also said race car engines, but I gave it a twist. Time for the last question.

The last question I asked Tanner was, what food did you get? Tanner said he got a churros and a hotdog. I never heard of a churros before. A churros is kind of like a long donut. Those are all the questions I asked for Tanner.

Imagine that you are an animal living on a farm or in a zoo?

If I was a zoo animal I wold be an elephant. My day’s as an elephant are pretty normal. I wake up, eat, get stared at, and repeat. Some days are different. Those different day’s no one stares at me. It is festive on those day’s. I always wondered what it is like out of my fence. Is it different there or is it the same as here. I also wonder why people stare at me pointing fingers. On a normal day I see different people. Sometimes I see tiny people with bags on there backs or as they say backpacks. Also on a normal day I see all types of food. That is what I see and that is my everyday life.