Syanna 's Blog

Just another site



Week 5

How much can you control the kind of person you grow up to be? How much are our actions a reflection of our own autonomy vs what society (our parents, our religion, our circumstances, etc.) pushes us to think and… Continue Reading →

News Article -Week 4 The article that I chose to read is called “Major floods swamp Australia’s east coast, claiming 8 lives.” In this article the author wrote about how the city Brisbane was “under water” after heavy rain brought a record flooding… Continue Reading →

Book Choice -Week 3

For my book choice, I chose The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. I chose this book because it seems interesting and seems to follow a kind of intense storyline. According to the summary of the book on the back, it follows… Continue Reading →

First Blog Post -Week 2

How do our stories shape who we are? Our stories as individuals shape who we are today because everyone goes through different experiences which make us different. Everyone is unique and part of said uniqueness is because of the things… Continue Reading →

Hello world!

Welcome to your brand new blog at\n \n To get started, simply log in, edit or delete this post and check out all the other options available to you.\n \n For assistance, visit Edublogs comprehensive support site, check out… Continue Reading →

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