February 27



By: Caden


Ok so how you play bedwars is there’s a bed and you have protect it. If someone breaks your bed you do not spawn anymore, there is a diamond island and a emerald island you can bring back the diamonds to get upgrades for your team .


Ok so now that you know how to play we will tell you a story. Once upon a time there were two boys one named ItzProPVPMaster (Drew) (PVP means player vs player) and ItzProGamer17 (Caden) so we started a match and there it was, the Pro.


He was taking over everybody’s base but not ours. He was coming straight at us. His heart was racing he was about to break our bed but BAM we have obsidian so we knocked him off. I go to get some emeralds but guess who was there, a white dude so I shot him off. We are green team we finally got the emeralds. We got some diamond armor. Emerald island is where you get emeralds. It was finally down to us and the Pro, he didn’t have a bed so it should be easy but nope it was the hardest duel that me and ItzProPVPMaster Have ever had. It was time for all beds to break it’s called bed destruction. We were running straight at him we went over a bridge and he shot ItzProPVPMaster off but I was still alive. ItzProPVPMaster was a Pro but he is dead so he is no help now #he’s Dead so it is down to me. So the final duel, the PRO and ItzProgamer17 It was a mess it was MAD HARD but it came down to the DRAGONS (Dragons come out if it gets to close) so he was about to get knock off by the dragon but he ender pearl back so it was me vs him in a 1v1 pvp duel and I hit him off YAYAYAYAYAY I did it I heard people saying Your so amazing your so cool my partner was so happy that we won we did it just me and him, WE DID IT BO YA.          The End