About Brooke Zimmerman

I like to run and hang out with friends.

Nations Trade

It could be hard to travel the mesopolamia and dangres.They carry alot of food like grain and wood. They use the grain and wood to trade. They use donkeys and boats to travel. They build the boats and after they use them then they take them apart. Thats what they do.


Fourth grade garden

Dear Mr.McCaskey,

I think 4th grade should have a garden I think it would be good for 4th grade to learn how to grow a garden.

I think the garden will help us do math it will help us learn to measure plants and other things .

Also I think It would help us with area and perimeter in math because we can yous the garden shape for perimeter and area.

We can yous the garden for science too. When we learn about plants we could go outside and go to the garden we would learn how to water pants and how much we should give the plants. And if it needs sun or shade.

So Mr.McCaskey I hope you say we could have a garden to learn more and help us more.


Sisterly Brooke Zimmerman


Tax revenue


A revenue tax is a tax on income, an inherited estate personal revenue or on sales commercial revenue. The term is archaic and is not used often in modern tax law.


Tax revenue is the income that is gained by government through taxation. Taxation is the primary source of income for a state. Revenue may be extracted from sources such as individuals, public enterprises, trade, routes on natural resources and  foreign aid. An inefficient collection of taxes is greater in countries characterized by poverty, a large agricultural sector and large amounts of foreign aid.


Just as there are different types of tax, the form in which tax revenue is collected also differs; furthermore, the agency that collects the tax may not be part of central government, but may be a third party licensed to collect tax which they themselves will use. For example, in the UK, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency DVLA collects vehicle excise duty, which is then passed onto HM Treasury.

Thanksgiveing letter

ThanksGiving letter


I am thankful for family, friends, and food.


I am thankful for my mom and dad because they are good at taking care of me. Also they help me in hard times.


I am thankful for friends because they help me and I like to hang out with them and be funny I feel comfortable when I am around them.


I am thankful for food because if I did not have any I would not survive. So I am thankful for food and I have some.


This is what I am thankful for family, friends, and food  and I am happy for the things I have.


Thanksgiving letter

ThanksGiving letter


I am thankful for family, friends, and food.


I am thankful for my mom and dad because they are good at taking care of me. Also they help me in hard times.


I am thankful for friends because they help me and I like to hang out with them and be funny I feel comfortable when I am around them.


I am thankful for food because if I did not have any I would not survive. So I am thankful for food and I have some.


This is what I am thankful for family, friends, and food  and I am happy for the things I have.


The Sinking Titanic

The sinking titanic

By: Brooke

I woke up at 2:00 in the morning on April 10 1912. Me and my best friend Madison where going to drive together and meet Kya in line to get on the titanic. When we got on we looked up at the titanic and it was black red and yellow it looked amazing. We were trying to find are room, and it was the nicest room in the titanic. We could not wait to get to new york and see are family.

When we got settled we sat down on a chair and started talking. When it was dinner time we went to the dining room to eat. And all a sudden the ship started to move! Yes we are going to New York City! The tables around me heard and they were like why did you just yell. We wondered how much people were on the boat and then the speaker came on and said there is 2,435 on this boat. And I said wow that’s a lot of people.

After dinner we went to are room and did some games and then we just talked for a little bit then went to bed the next morning it will be April 11 1912. I slept for a long time and woke up at 9:00 in the morning! When I woke up my friends were all ready to eat. So then we went to eat breakfast. After breakfast we went to the swimming pool and we were there for about an hour.

The next day we were listening to music and dancing it was awesome we were doing it all night. Then we were going to rest and talk the rest of the day and also eat. That night we played a couple games and talked that is basically what we do every night before we go to sleep.

This is April 13 1912 I was on the titanic looking for my friends then I saw them. They were on the highest floor. I raced up and saw  information about the titanic and said the titanic was unsinkable and it also said  the titanic was 882 feet 9 inches ( 269.1 metres) long. I said wow that is incredible. When we went down we went to are room and ate lunch. We were play games all afternoon and then we started getting hungry and then we ate dinner. Then we went to sleep because we were really tired.

It was late at night that we woke up and we were seeing Icebergs and we new that we were getting close to new york. The next morning we saw on the calendar  it was April 14 we were almost at new york! We ate eggs and bacon that morning  we went to the pool for the whole morning. An for the afternoon we played games. That night I was up for a long time I do not know why and then all a sudden I heard a loud sound my friends woke up hurried to the deck and there was music and people showing people to get on tiny boats and also paddle away I saw that it was sinking and also I knew that they hit an Iceberg. Me and my friends hopped on a boat and sailed off into the dark and cold ocean. When it hit the iceberg it was around 12:00 that was midnight. Now it is 1:00. 1 hour till it sank because I knew it took about 1 hour for my dad’s ship to sink.

We were a mile away from the titanic around 2:20 It went down in the cold Icy ocean. And the people that were on board died. I felt so bad for them. Then maybe an hour later a ship came to rescue us I got on board and my friends did too and took all of us to New york to see are family when I saw them I was so happy to see them.


The End

