Hatchet Next Step

In the story “Hatchet” Bryan is stuck in the woods after he survived a plane crash, and he has 100’s of mosquito bites and a lot of bruises.


What would you do in this situation? What I would do is make a little building to live in so then I would have a place to live for a while. I would also try to find some food so then I wouldn’t starve to death. Then I would try to make little containers that could hold water so then I would have something that I can carry around that has water in so then when I am thirsty I would have that. After that I would make a fire so then I would stay warm.

1 Comment

  1. I really liked your little thing about “hatchet” I wonder what will happen when we finish the book. I wish he didn’t have a plane crash and that he gets found.

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