summer of the swans summery

the book the summer of the swans is about a girl named sarah and her brother. one day in it sarah and charlie went down to see the swans but charlie didn’t want to leave so sarah had to pull him. at night charlie was having trouble trying to fall asleep then he heard a rustle in the bushes thinking it was a swan it turned out to be a cat, but charlie decided he wanted to see the swans but he didn’t know how to get to the pond so he got deeper and deeper into the forest and dogs started barking and charlie has slight brain damage and is afraid of loud noise so charlie started to run and before he knew it he was in a ravine and the next morning his aunt was making breakfast and charlie didn’t come down to eat  so they got worried and noticed charlie was missing so they went out to look and there was no sign of charlie. a few days later joe melby tried helping sarah they found a clue it was his slipper he was near the old fence soon sarah and joe found him! read the book to find out more detail.

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