Blog challenge week 4: My House.

My house is a great place to live. We have 2 acres. Most of our acres is woods. But some of it is our house and yard. We have a pretty big basement. We just added a new part to it so it got a little bigger. We have a ping pong table in our new part of the basement and we use it a lot. We play with it for hours. We have a little bit of woods so we also hunt in our woods during hunting season. My dad only shot one deer down there but we see a lot of deer when it is not hunting season. Our yard is a nice size so Dan and I can play in it and have a lot of fun in it. We also have a pool. It is a nice sized pool so Dan and I have a lot of fun swimming in that too. I think my house is a great place to live. I am glad I live there.

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