week 4 blog challenge: My house

My house is a great place to live. We have about two acres of land. We have a pretty big yard but most of the two acres we have is woods. Me and my brother Dan have a lot of fun when it snows. Because the woods don’t get as dark in the winter and so we have a lot of fun in the woods at night. We have a HUGE driveway so in the winter we get huge snow piles from it. We can make huge snow forts with the huge snow piles too. Just my house is a pretty big house too. We are also thinking about making our garage bigger too.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Joel,

    I’m Dee White and I’m an Australian author with 16 books published for kids and teens. I blog at http://deescribewriting.wordpress.com and http://writingclassesforkids.com where I sometimes run free writing competitions for kids as well. You can find out more about me and my work at my website http://www.deescribe.com.au

    You have a great looking blog. Love the space theme and the spinning world. I have a son who wants to be an astronomer.

    I really liked the piece you wrote about your house. Sounds like you have a lot of fun in the snow.

    I was interested to know why you are thinking of making your garage bigger. Is it so you can fit more cars in it ?

    I really like the snow too, but we don’t get much here where I live.

    Do you ski or snow board?

    Am looking forward to reading more of your posts.



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