One day Tilly Jonathan’s mom sent him down to the basement to grab something for her. As he was picking up the box it was inside, he saw a note from the corner of his eye. He picked up the note, and went upstairs with the box his mom asked him to get. He was to scared to unfold the note, so he put it in a drawer in his desk.


Before he left his room,his curiosity took him over, and made him open the note. Tilly never felt this urge before. He read the note. It said “L”. He was freaked out and confused. Just after he read the note, his mom yelled at him, “ DO YOUR LAUNDRY”. He was to scared to do anything, so he refused to do what his Mom asked.


The next day he went downstair to get his roller blades. He found another note. He took it upstairs. He was still scared from yesterday’s note so he was really scared to find another note. He unfolded it and read it. It said “ a”. He went downstairs and yelled at his Mom “ We need to move, our house is haunted!,”. The next day he went downstairs to look for another note and he saw claw marks and heard a pounding on the door. He found a note grabbed, then ran upstairs and read it. It read “u”. He put the notes together. “Lau” is what it said. He refused to go back down there that day.

The day went by, and the next one came. He woke up, and went to the basement, he did not see any note, so he ran up the stairs, but the door was locked. A couple minutes later he heard his Mom scream, and the doorknob started to turn. He ran down the stairs and hid behind a big box. He was so scared.

He heard the door open, and steps going down the stairs. The box he was hiding behind was smacked away and he heard “ DO YOUR LAUNDRY! I’ve been leaving notes down here, I hoped you would find them all, but I guess you didn’t. THEY SPELL OUT LAUNDRY!!!” “ Few” Tilly said Thankfully, It was just his Mom. “I accidentally scratched the walls yesterday, sorry” she said.