Clarissa had a smooth life, it was very normal and simple. Most days she would wake up, eat breakfast, take a shower, go to school, come home, do homework, go to bed, and repeat the cycle. One day she was walking home from school, and being the curious girl she is, when she saw a narrow sewer pipe, she had to explore. The sewer pie didn’t have any gross gunk at the bottom, it was completely cleared, so that made it even better for her. She walked down the pipe line, and expecting it to go for a very long time, The pipe stopped at a room. The room was pretty much a dump. It had a torn up rug, a broken lamp, a really old stained bed, and a little wooden chest. There was nothing to explore, so she turned around, but then she got this sudden urge to open the chest and see what’s inside. She walked towards the chest, opened it, and what she saw was unimaginable, it was a/an . . .


Leave what you think the ending should be in the comments, I will choose the ending that I like the most and put it in another post! 🙂