Chapter 1

                      The Haunting


Once upon a time, there were two boys named Ethan and Ryan they were in 6th grade. They were both in the highest math and reading class, so they had lots of homework. Ethan and Ryan were neighbors and they would do their homework together, even though they weren’t supposed to. One spoopy Halloween night Ethan went to Ryan’s house, but Ryan wasn’t there. Ethan didn’t want to just look around Ryan’s house but it was his friend. Ethan didn’t want Ryan to be in trouble so he cautiously walked into his house, Ethan heard the TV was on so he looked in the living room but nobody was in there. There was nobody in the house, Ethan got scared because there was always two cars at there house and both cars were still there!


Ethan began to get suspicious so he looked around the house one more time, but more carefully. He looked in the kitchen, there were very little scratches, as he walked through the house the scratches just got bigger and bigger. Ethan searched the whole house except for Ryan’s room. There was nothing there no scratches, no nothing. Ethan looked everywhere yet couldn’t find anyone. He turned around and saw Ryan’s closet, he was very scared but, he had to open the closet. Ethan opened the closet and both Ryan and Ethan screamed, Ryan almost stabbed Ethan with a kitchen knife he had because he was scared. Ethan asked Ryan why he was in the closet, Ryan was about to answer when suddenly he got a massive headache like pain it grew worse and worse.


Ethan was scared to death and didn’t know exactly what was happening. The massive headache suddenly stopped. All Ryan said for many many minutes was “it is still here”. Once Ryan was done chanting “it is still here” they both decided to look around the house. Ryan and Ethan looked through the bedrooms, the living room, the toy room, the kitchen and the laundry room. When they were about to leave, Ryan saw the basement door cracked open a bit. They both went into the basement and surprisingly saw a…. Rabbit? Ethan started to chuckle then both started to leave the basement. When they reached the stairs they heard a growl. They looked back and they saw this huge shadowy creature. Ryan and Ethan looked down and saw the poor rabbits ripped up corpse lying there. They both ran out of the basement and the house. “I CAN’T BELIEVE MY HOUSE IS HAUNTED” said Ryan. “It’s all fake” said Ethan “The rabbit, the monster the scratches, they are all fake”. “Then why did it kill my parents” said Ryan “WHAT?!” yelled Ethan, surprised and scared at the same time.


“RUN!” Ethan yelled. (Both Ethan and Ryan ran) “Why are we running” Ryan asked while they were running outside of the house across the street to Ethan’s house. Ethan saw the shadow creature but it wasn’t running toward them it was walking slowly toward them saying wait, but it wasn’t very normal. So, as Ethan and Ryan went into Ethan’s house, “AAAAAAHHHHH” said Ethan’s parents. Ethan and Ryan started sprinting as fast as they could up the stairs but it was too late. The screaming stopped and when Ethan got into his parents bedroom they were on the floor. There wasn’t any blood, but they weren’t breathing.

                           To Be Continued


Producers: Derek and Brandon

Author: Derek and Brandon

Thinkers:Derek and Brandon

Characters: Ethan, Ryan and Ethan’s Parents