Previously on The Shadow Series, The shadow army has arrived, and they are trying to ta Ryan and Herman run the same way away from the shadow army, but Ethan noticed while he was running he accidently was running the wrong way. So, Ethan decided to turn back towards Ryan and Herman, but ran into Shadow Soldiers so he was forced to run the opposite way of Ryan and Ethan.             


Ryan and Herman were running, like their lives depended on it, because their lives did depend on it. A couple of soldiers were close to them, and there were many more further behind them. They had to come up with something quick or else they wouldn’t get out without being caught. Ryan saw a factory, a very big factory, he decided that was their only way out of this situation, so he grabbed Herman and jolted for the factory. Herman said “Do you have superhuman strength or something?!” “Because it sure seems like it” “Did you get another power like… super strength?” “ No, I just have a lot of spare time so I go to the gym a lot” He replied.


They got into the factory, and it turns out the factory was abandoned. “ I guess Ryan’s instincts were right” Herman whispered to himself. Ryan tugged Herman under a counter. “ Gosh, you don’t have to be so harsh!” Herman said. As soon as Herman screamed at least five to ten soldiers came up and dragged them out from under the counter, and covered their faces with their hands. When they took their hands off of Ryan and Herman, The two of them were in a cell. “I TOLD YOU THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN HERMAN!” Ryan yelled. “Maybe if you stopped yelling that would be nice” Herman said in return “  Yelling isn’t going to get us out of this situation, but I know what is.” “ What could that be then?” Ryan said confused. Ryan and Herman both had to think of a way to break out of the prison cell they were in.


They were in a corridor that had many other cells in it. Also, out of the corner of Hermans eye he saw something that had made him moonstruck. “No… it… it… it can’t be” Herman said, what he saw was Ethan standing next to the shadow king without squirming or yelling for help. So, Herman Knew what that meant, Ethan either became friends with the king, which is very unlikely or he was brainwashed. Herman and Ryan had a plan that they really wanted to do. They would use both of their teleportation powers to teleport out of the cell into the nearest cell to the end of the corridor.

Next, they would find a good spot and ninja teleport. Herman explained to Ryan that it is just a quiter way to teleport so that people or things cannot hear you. Ryan was practicing for 15 minutes in the cell, until Herman said he had perfected it. Then, Herman and Ryan teleported quietly behind a barrel so that they could hide. Herman and Ryan were awestruck by what they saw. Like before Ethan was standing next to the king, motionless, like the king was his friend. “Why would he do this to us?” Ryan said. “ For self gain, that’s why” Herman said doubtfully. “ We can’t wait any more, we have to get out from behind here and save Ethan!” Ryan said heroically.


They jumped out from behind the barrel, but what they didn’t expect was that there were three guards standing on each side of the king, including Ethan. The guards were about to rush towards Herman and Ryan, but the king told them not to “ I want to see their friend hurt them” He said.  The shadow king gave Ethan orders to capture Ryan and Herman, and he did not hesitate he pounced at them, but before he knew it, they both teleported out of the way. Ethan stepped up his game, and he through a smoke bomb, neither Ryan, Herman, or Ethan could see. Ryan came up with a brilliant idea, he turned into a bat and used echolocation to find his way to Ethan. He transformed back into himself, and right after grabbed Ethan’s arms, so he couldn’t punch, Herman followed along, he grabbed Ethan’s legs. Then, oddly, he touched Ethan’s head, sent a small shockwave through it, and it sent him to sleep. “ WHAT THE WHAT!” Ryan yelled “ I’ll explain later” Herman replied.


Herman through another smoke bomb to make sure that the king couldn’t see them, so they ran out, holding Ethan. After they got out of the building, they starting running to their horses so that they could ride back to the barn. Once they hopped on their horses they rode for one and a half hours to make it to the barn. “Where’d you get them o’l horses” the farmer said. “They were your horses that we fixed up” Ryan said. After they had a brief talk they went all the way back to their homes. They had nothing to do but ride, just ride…


   To Be Continued On Chapter 8


Producers: Derek and Brandon

Authors: Derek and Brandon

Creators: Derek and Brandon