I read a book about 4 or 5 months ago, and I loved it. It’s called “Horizon”. The book is about these eight kids who are going to Japan but get into a crash and expecting to be in a frigid cold land of ice, they find themselves in a Rainforest, but it isn’t any ordinary Rainforest, it’s the land of Horizon where everything is possible, and even the person standing next to you could be your worst enemy.
A noise keeps following them… stalking them, they have to find a way out of this place before something terrible happens. I really did enjoy this book, now I’m on the second book. It is very good so far, a third book will also be coming out. I never have been much of a reader, but this science/adventure fiction book really got the hold of me.
I think I read it so much because all the suspense, I am always asking myself “what’s going to happen next?”. This is a great book series and I very much recommend it to all the people who like adventure stories and people who like to be on the edge of their seat while reading. If you read the book I hope you like it, and if you’ve already read it, please tell me what you think of it.