Previously on The Shadow, Chapter 5: Powers, Ethan and Ryan are practicing their new powers on the shadow practice course, having a good time, until a cloud of smoke appears and they remembered that it wasn’t just any month, it was October and October means Halloween.


“NO!” Ethan said scaredly “We have to hide!” Herman said in a stern voice. Ryan asks “Why? It’s just Halloween?” “When did we first see the shadows Ryan?” Ethan asked. “Halloween…ok now I know what you’re saying.” Ryan said. “ They get stronger every year.” “It has been a while since they’ve came out though.”Herman said. The smoke started to fade, so Ethan and Ryan now listened to what Herman said before, and they hid. Ryan jumped behind a bush, Ethan hid under a picnic table, and Herman followed Ethan, and hid under the picnic table with him.


A shadowy figure came out of the smoke surrounding it. “ MY BROTHER!?” Herman said. Ethan formed a smoke bomb, but then a whole bunch of smoke started to appear and when it faded there was a whole Shadow Army, Ethan’s smoke bomb faded because he

didn’t want the whole army to know they were there. Ethan started levitating a little to see over the first row and estimated about one million Shadow Soldiers. As Ethan levitated back to the ground a force made him stay up in the air.


Then, he saw a Shadow King, he thought that because instead of the Shadow being grey it was a dark blue. The King Shadow started talking, “ We shall raid this planet of the pesky humans and claim it as our own” “Actually, no better than that…we will enslave the humans!” “ARE YOU WITH ME!?” The Shadow King said “YES!” the whole crowd replied. All of them quickly jump behind a bush quietly. “NO NO NO” Ethan said doubtfully, “What are we going to do!” “ WE ARE GOING TO STAY LOW-KEY, that’s what we’re going to do!” Herman replied. “ Fine, but seriously, how are we going to get rid of these shadows?” Ethan said calmly “We can’t get rid of them, but we can hold them off until they have to go.” Herman replied “ Until they have to go?” Ethan said “ Yes, after Halloween week the guardian takes them back to their realm unless they take over this planet.” Herman said “So basically they have to go back to their realm if they don’t take over Earth?” Ethan asked still confused “Yup” Herman replied.


Ryan was trying to listen in on Ethan and Herman’s conversation but he couldn’t hear them very well. He understood the topic that they were talking about, but not the exact words. The King and his Army started to walk away heading for Washington DC, but then Ryan accidentally stepped on a twig and snapped it, so King Shadow heard it. “WHO DARE BE HIDING BEHIND THAT BUSH!?” The king said furiously. The King Shadow started walking up in front of the bush, but when he looked behind it, all he saw was grass. Luckily before the King looked Ryan teleported all three of them inside of a barn. “Few,that was close” Ryan said “I can’t believe The Shadow King didn’t see me!” “ We’re all lucky we didn’t get hurt back there.” Herman said sternly.


“WOW!” Ethan said with a lot of enthusiasm “LOOK AT ALL THESE ANIMALS!” “ There are so many!” Ryan said in reply. “These pigs look so funny!” Ethan said while laughing. “HA!” Ryan replied “ Look how many spider webs there are!” Ryan said grossed out, but a little amazed “ oh my gosh!” Ethan replied.


Ryan looked outside through a crack in the barn wall, “ LOOK!” Ryan said in awe “ look at what?” Ethan replied confused. He looked where Ryan was looking and saw what he was looking at, “ WOW!” Ethan said “HORSES!” they said in unison. “ Look at the sign, it says “ FOR FREE”, Nice” Ryan said very excited. “Let’s go look at them” Ethan said. They went and saw the sign a bit closer and confirmed that it said “ FOR FREE”.


They went in the little pen that was set out there so the horses wouldn’t escape. Ryan was looking at a pure white horse while Ethan was looking at a black horse with a bright, whitish yellowish lightning bolt mark on it. “I CALL THE ONE WITH THE LIGHTNING BOLT!” Ethan said. “Jeez, I didn’t want that one anyway, this white one looks really cool.” Ryan said “ I think we should have them, don’t you?” he said “ OH YEA!” Ethan replied in excitement. “ Are you sure?” Herman said “ Yes,we are very sure!” They said in unanimity“ I’m not taking care of them, you know that, right?” Herman said, “ Of course we know, we can take care of them ourselves.” Ethan said proudly. “ Okay then, go ahead and get them.” Herman said. So, Ethan and Ryan both walked out of the pen, but they didn’t have any money to buy a saddle or lead.


Ethan and Ryan thought of a plan to make money, and it was to do a chore for the man who owned the barn. They asked the barn owner and he said “ Y’all better go get me some hay for the rest of my horses because they don’t feel too good” Then, Ethan and Ryan both go to the nearest hay bale sale, but halfway to the sale both Ryan and Ethan’s horse collapse. “WHAT IS HAPPENING YOU WEIRD HORSE!?” Ethan said. Right as he said that, both of the horses were engulfed in smoke, and when that happened Ethan and Ryan went crazy because they thought their horses were gonna die. But, right when the smoke stopped, somehow Herman, Ryan, and Ethan all had silver armor on. Also, the horses had a saddle that was diamond enplated and had silver armor on too.


Ethan and Ryan thought that the King did it because while that was happening, arrows were flinging all around the place, but no. “What in the world” Ethan said very confused “ I just saved you and your horses lives, you’re welcome.” Herman said bostfully.


“ Now isn’t the time for being rude or selfish, we kindove have ourselves in a sticky situation.” Ryan said loudly. “ Yea yea, talking isn’t going to get us out of this mess!” Ethan exclaimed, “ Then let’s go!” Herman replied. Ethan and Ryan jumped on their horsies  and Herman also jumped on Ryan’s so he wouldn’t have to keep on teleporting. “ GO GO GO!” Ryan exclaimed. Both of the horses started to move, then gallop, and then the horses ran as fast as they possibly could.


They stopped when they were behind a brick wall. It was tall enough to keep the arrows away. It wasn’t that sturdy, and the shadow army was catching up. “ Right now would be a great time for a smoke bomb” Ryan said to Ethan. “ Oh yea” Ethan replied. He and Herman threw a bunch of smoke bombs, and before the army knew it, they could barely even see the shadow standing next to them. “ RUN!” Ethan yelled as loud as he could. The smoke from the smoke bombs was starting to spread, and soon Ethan, Ryan, and Herman wouldn’t be able to see each other.


Ryan and Herman started running, but Ethan didn’t know that he was running the opposite way. He then noticed he Ryan and Herman were not behind him. He had to decide to take the chance of going back and running the other way, or keep on running the way he was going. After a bit of thinking, Ethan decided to turn around, he ran for a little while but then noticed that there were shadow soldiers in front of him, so he was forced to keep on going his way, the opposite way of Ryan and Herman.


To Be Continued On Chapter 7

Producers: Derek and Brandon


Authors: Derek and Brandon


Creators: Derek and Brandon