Previously on The Shadow Chapter 4: What,  A Shadow Dog? Ryan and Ethan got powers from their new friend, Herman, ( The Shadow Dog/The Shadow), there are still 2 more powers for Herman to give to Ryan and Ethan, They have to get the hang of their powers or else their lives might be at stake in the future.


“Ok, who is going to get levitation powers?”Said Herman “ME ME ME ME ME ME!” said Ethan “Wow, chill out” said Herman. “Ok, sorry I just really want to levitate. How many feet off the ground can I levitate?” said Ethan “As high as you want too” said Herman. “I’m ready” said Ethan (There is smoke all around Ethan, and then, he starts slowly lifting up in the air) “AAAAHH, help me, HELP ME!” said Ethan, Herman said “You’ll get the hang of it, it’s ok” Ethan starts levitating so high that neither Herman or Ryan could see him. Then, all of a sudden they heard a faint yell,  “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!” and then, they could see Ethan falling out of the sky.


In almost half of a second, Ethan was right in front of them, scared and then he said “I COULD’VE GOTTEN REALLY HURT! WHY DIDN’T YOU HELP ME”  Ethan said. Herman said “Did you get hurt?” “No” “Ok then, Ryan you get Transformation” Herman throws a smoke bomb at Ryan, Then Ryan starts transforming from different creatures and then it stopped) “How do I use it?” said Ryan. Herman said “Think of an animal and imagine you being it, imagine what it feels like, where it lives, what it eats, all of those things factor into what and how you transform” So, Ryan starts thinking of a Lion. Then, out of nowhere he turns into a Lion. Herman says “DO NOT DO ANY TYPE OF A BIG ANIMAL UNTIL YOU HAVE MASTERED THE ART OF TRANSFORMATION!” “Your body can not handle anything bigger than itself, so please listen to me, and practice animals smaller than your own body until you master the art of transformation, or else it could lead to serious damage, most leading to death!” “Both of us are amateurs, could you help us out?” Ryan said filled with hope, “Of course, the only way I can really help you is by making sure you train, but that is on you, not me” Herman said. Lots of smoke started to drift around Ryan’s backyard, all three of them ran outside, once the cloud of smoke drifted away there was suddenly a training course. But, it was no ordinary training course, it was a shadow training course, The Shadow Children use it to train with their powers. “Wow” Ethan said in awe. “This is where you will be training every single day” said Herman, “COOL” Ryan said. “How about we get started, can we start know Herman?” Asked Ethan, “OF COURSE!” Herman replied.


Both Ryan and Ethan went onto the course. There was a huge wall that was almost as tall as the Empire State Building, but for some reason nobody else could see it. Herman says “I put an invisible forcefield around the whole training course so that nobody else could see it” “This was a job for me” Ethan said, he lifted up his  right hand and closed his eyes. Ethan started to raise his hand, and as he did the wall lifted too. Ryan quickly ran under the wall and Ethan slowly followed him trying his best to keep the wall in the air. “Next up was… a cage of bulls?” Ryan said. “Yep, that’s for you” said Herman “It’s for me, I got this. Am I supposed to teleport?” he said, “Yes, what else would you do… turn into a bull” Ethan said. “DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!” Herman said. A cloud of smoke started to surround Ryan he felt himself starting to break through the air and land on the other side, but he remembered that he had to teleport Ethan with him. Then, Ryan thought that he might be able to teleport Ethan with his hands and not have to go back. So, Ryan lifted his hands, “What are you even doing Ryan?” Ethan said. Smoke started going around Ethan so he got scared “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” He said one more time before he appeared next to Ryan. “OM MY GOSH, HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT?” Ethan said. “I don’t know!” Ryan said scared and surprised. Ethan appeared next to Ryan and both were very confused, “It doesn’t matter how far you are from something, you can still teleport them, that statement is true for almost every power” Herman said.


“So I can levitate anything no matter how far I am from it.” said Ethan. “Well, kind of, You need to be able to pick that thing up without levitation powers, actually if you want to levitate a bull, let’s say it’s about five hundred pounds and you can pick up about two hundred and fifty pounds then the other two hundred pounds the levitation spell will pick up for you. Do you understand that? It’s like dividing the pounds by two.” said Herman.

There was a wall, a huge wide wall. “This is transformation, right?” Ryan asked “Yup” Herman said confidently. “Well what do I do do here?” Ryan asked being confused “Take a second and think” Herman said. “OH, I know now!” Ryan said, he turned into a worm tunneled under the wall and came out the other side. “Wait, can I turn Ethan into different animals also?!” Ryan said hopefully “ Well, YES!” Ryan closed his eyes smoke traveled around Ethan and when the smoke faded he was a worm. He followed the path of dirt Ryan made when he tunneled through because this was his first time transforming and he didn’t want to accidently take a turn or even turn around. Ethan came out the other side and changed back to himself. “You can’t change to different animals, but when you are done using the transformation you can change back to yourself without Ryan’s help.” Herman said “Ok” Ethan said. There was another wall, but not as big, yet you still couldn’t jump over it. Ryan closed his eyes thought for a moment then knew what he would turn into, a Hawk. A cloud of smoke surrounded Ryan and Ethan, when it faded they both were eagles. Ryan and Ethan started to flap their wings faster and faster until they started to lift off the ground, they flew over the wall and landed on the other side. They turned back into humans, they were about to take a step forward, but Another cloud of smoke appeared right in front of them and they knew it wasn’t Herman and just then they realized what time of month it was… October and October means Halloween!