Chapter 4: What… A Shadow Dog?

Previously on The Shadow, Chapter 3:A New Pet? Ryan got a new dog, a very suspicious dog, and soon found out it was… THE SHADOW DOG! Ethan was away and he had to wait for a day until Ethan got back.


(One day later) “Ding dong”,Ryan ran down the steps, so fast he almost fell, he flung open the door and saw Ethan “it took you like 2 seconds to open the door, why are you in such a rush?” Ethan said in a surprised voice. THE SHADOW DOG ran up to Ethan and Ethan started to pet it, “Awww, it’s so cute” he said. They went upstairs and the dog followed, Ryan wanted to hear about Ethan’s   trip so bad he almost forgot to tell Ethan the crazy news. “You know that dog over there” (he said as he pointed to the dog) “Yep, it’s so cute” said Ethan. “That dog is the shadow that was at our door” “WHAT! No way!”


As soon as both of them looked at the dog they got a chill. They went downstairs and the dog sat at the door just like the shadow from a year ago. A huge cloud of mist surrounded THE SHADOW DOG! And then it turned into THE SHADOW! It was very blurry and it looked like it came out of a rejected power plant. Then, Ethan and Ryan ran upstairs, but THE SHADOW said “Wait I don’t want to hurt you.” So, Ethan and Ryan slowly walked back downstairs and looked around the corner.


They walked down the hallway and to THE SHADOW. Then They walked down the hallway and to THE SHADOW. Then, THE SHADOW Started walking down the hallway to, but not fast. So, Ethan and Ryan were scared and right as they got face to face with THE SHADOW and then THE SHADOW said “Hello” Ethan and Ryan scaredly said “Hi” At the same time. Then, THE SHADOW said “I wasn’t trying to hurt you 1 year ago. “That was my brother who took your parents, sorry” said THE SHADOW. “I can show you some of my powers” said THE SHADOW, “OF COURSE” Ryan and Ethan said in unison. (THE SHADOW showed them what he could do) He could levitate objects with his smoke he can throw, when he did there would be a tornado like cloud of smoke under the object as it rose. Also, THE SHADOW could throw smoke bombs, it would make a ball of smoke and then throw it, but he would have to charge it up. When the ball of smoke hit another object it would explode and make smoke everywhere.


The third power was teleportation, he would make a cloud of smoke around himself and when the cloud faded away he would be gone. The last power is transformation, a cloud of smoke would go around him like the teleportation, but instead of teleporting, when the cloud of smoke faded away he would be a different creature or object than before. “How do we know you’re not lying, huh” said Ryan. “If I was lying you would be covered in smoke right now” said THE SHADOW, “true” said Ryan. “So who wants teleportation” said The Shadow. “ME!”said Ryan, Ethan was 5 seconds late. “Ok so you will kind of feel a burning sensation in your chest when I give it to you, because it the smoke forms inside you in your chest, ok” said The Shadow. “Ok” said Ryan scaredly. (The Shadow puts up his hands and makes Ryan levitate and he looked like it was hurting, but he didn’t show it) “And done” The Shadow said. “So how do I use it?” said Ryan “Try to reach down into yourself and just put it in front of you.” said The Shadow. Ryan looked forward and smoke started going around him and nothing happened, but after his first try he did it but he got inside the wall. So The Shadow had to make the wall levitate so he could get out. “So I get smoke bombs?” Ethan said. “Yes” said THE SHADOW. “How do I use them?” asked Ethan “Well like I said before, you have to dig down deep into your heart and feel the smoke within you” said THE SHADOW “Ok, but instead of calling you THE SHADOW can we call you Melvin.” said Ethan. “NO!” said The Shadow. “How about Herman?” Ryan said. “Well, my family called me Sherman, but Herman is a wonderful name, why not.” Said THE SHADOW. (So, Ryan and Ethan both call “THE SHADOW”, Herman now.


To Be Continued On Chapter 5

Producers: Derek and Brandon


Authors: Derek and Brandon


Thinkers/creators: Derek and Brandon