Chapter: 2


Lately on The Shadows, Chapter 1: Ethan and Ryan are in a rush to try and escape from the creature that stole Ryan’s parents and keeps following them, but what they don’t know is that it is now in Ethan’s house. Chapter 2:, Ethan and Ryan are right in front of Ethan’s house and they opened the door and the Creature was right in front of them. It looked like it was made of smoke and it was wavy, but it had really red eyes. The eyes of the creature were very, very, very red, almost like they were staring into Ethan and Ryan’s souls. After 20 seconds of them just looking at each other, Ethan and Ryan ran really fast through the creature and they actually just went right through it. Once Ethan and Ryan got into the house they went upstairs and into Ethan’s room. Then, Ethan and Ryan slammed the door shut and stayed at the door pushing it in so the creature didn’t get in. 5 minutes went by and nothing happened, so they slowly crept downstairs and they found the creature. The creature was lying in front of the door, it looked like it was waiting for something. Ethan and Ryan went down the stairs and when they hit the last step “CREAK!” The creature turned around so quickly that it was like a flash of red, it just stood there watching them. Next, Ethan and Ryan just looked at it back, but after about 15 rough seconds it looked away and Ethan and Ryan sprinted as fast as they could into the living room. They tried to be as silent as they could because the door lead into the living room they hatched out a plan, one of them would jump out in front of the… ghost, ghoul, Ethan and Ryan couldn’t keep calling the thing this so they simply came up with a name for it, THE SHADOW. One of them would jump out and distract THE SHADOW. It would move off of the door and start to inch toward whoever went, once THE SHADOW was far enough away from the door the other person would open the door up and run, the person who was distracting would start to run and go out the back door. The one question was, who was going to be the distractor. None of them wanted to, so they decided to finish their debate with rock, paper, scissor, shoot out of 1. The first time they both chose scissor, the second time they both chose paper, but the third time Ryan chose rock and Ethan chose paper again. Ryan lost so he would have to go out and distract THE SHADOW. Ryan built up the courage and jumped out in front of THE SHADOW. When he did THE SHADOW didn’t move, all it did was look at Ryan, Ryan jumped away and told Ethan the plan didn’t work, but what they didn’t know was THE SHADOW did move. When Ryan jumped, it suddenly jumped at Ryan. THE SHADOW jumped about 5 feet and landed right next to Ryan, but they didn’t know because it jumped at the speed of light…

 To Be Continued On Chapter 3