How does visual information help the reader to understand scientific and technical texts?

How does visual information help the reader to understand scientific and technical texts?


Julia: Blue

Cheyann: red berry


Here are things that can help us  understand technical & scientific texts. It can help us by using terms. Another is the diagrams help us to see it visually. The next paragraph is going to be about how using terms can help us see things. These are the things we are are going to talk about. That is how we can understand scientific texts.


Using terms can help us understand scientific and technical texts. Terms that are in text help us see words by knowing what they mean. Terms are a word or phrase used to describe a thing or express a concept. That is how terms help us understand scientific and technical texts.          


It helps to have visual information like graphs. If a scientist takes a poll or survey it is easier to see it. It also helps by using Line plots, bar graphs, and pie charts.  Graphs are like pie charts or diagrams of different things. There are other different kinds of graphs. That is how diagrams help us understand texts.

This is why looking at visual information makes it easier to understand the text. We can use terms to understand. Others are  diagrams that help us see them. Last but not least, These are things that we can use scientific texts and technical texts to understand them.

Number the stars blog prompt

How does the encounter with the Nazi soldiers on the way home from school affect Annemarie? How would it make you feel to be in a similar situation? Is it hard to even imagine?


Julia: Blue

Cheyann: purple


It affected her by them knowing her face. If she came in contact with them they would know her. If she was a Jew they would send her away. If the Nazi soldiers would recognize Ellen they would not see each other again because Ellen was a Jew. That is how it would affect Annemarie.


I would feel scared. If I would be a Jew they would have taken me away. I would have been crying if they would take away. I would feel upset and worried. I would be upset because I would want to cry. I would cry because I would feel embarrassed. I would be worried because I wouldn’t want my mother to find out.


It is hard to imagine because if you would be a Jew it would be scary. Imagine that you were the people. Wouldn’t you be scared. It is hard to imagine because I wasn’t born then, and it’s hard to see things

differently than today. That’s how we can feel and imagine things in Number

the Stars.  

Free write 3/18 wright about your most awkward moment

Have you ever had an awkward moment? I have, It was my birthday party on October 26th. My Friends and I were all going to a haunted house. Everyone was so excited until we got inside 3 people started freaking out. By the time we finished the haunted house everyone was fine. When we got home  all of my family was there, even my cousin John Allen. After awhile of playing outside with John Allen all my friends and I went inside because it was starting to get dark. When all of my family went home, My one friends told me that she likes John Allen. Then he texted me to tell me that he likes her. After that we talked and when someone started talking about there dad they all started to cry and get upset.

How can drama help you better understand the feelings and viewpoints of characters?

How can drama help you better understand the feelings and viewpoints of characters?


Cheyann:  Bold    Julia: regular

Drama can help you understand the feelings and viewpoints of characters. Some ways you can tell by the play that you read or hear. Sometimes their feelings change. The point of view of the character changes in different plays. Some of the things can happen in real life, but some may not. It depends on the character’s feelings or the viewpoint.


Some of the feelings can change the viewpoint. Some feelings are mad, sad, happy, excited, or anger. There are lots of feelings. We read a play and it has lots of different feelings. Some are scared, happy, surprised and there are lots of different ones. Some other plays have more like happy, excited, sad, angry, and much more. I was in a play and I had an angry feeling. Well that is how you can understand drama with feelings.


Drama can help you understand the viewpoint. Viewpoint is a different term for point of view. Point of view is how the character sees the situation. Sometimes in dramas characters can see lots of different things. Sometimes when I read dramas there are different things I see when there are difficult situations. That is how I can tell drama by understanding the feelings and the viewpoint.




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free write

“Wow! for me” I say as my mom hands me a box. I sit there surprised it’s full of seeds. Then I see a letter it says

Dear Cheyann,

I know how much you love gardening so i’m giving you these seeds. They are magic seeds they can grow anything you want.Hope you like them.

love Nana

I started to to think of what i wanted to grow maybe some tulips or maybe sunflowers.I know I will grow roses. I would want to grow roses because they are so pretty. I can give them away or keep them for myself.

Free write

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be an animal? Well let me tell you how horrible it would feel. I would never want to be an animal in a zoo because you would have to be locked in a cage all day. Some people might not like me so the would criticize me. I wouldn’t what to be an animal in a zoo because some people might make fun of me plus I wouldn’t want to be locked in a cage or be hide a fence

Partner’s Favorite Memory

Cheyann- Italicized                       Bella- Normal


Cheyann’s favorite memory was when she first went on stage for her recital. Her recital took place at the Garden Spot auditorium. Cheyann was there with her dance class to perform on stage. This is her favorite memory because it was her first time going onto a stage at seven years old. She was wearing a red sparkly shirt and black leggings. This was in the year 2011, so Cheyann was 8 years old when she first went onto stage.


Bella’s favorite memory is when she fell into a hole. This was her favorite memory because her dad helped her get out of the hole and cleaned up her cuts. Bella’s favorite memory took place in the mountains. She was there with all of her family members and a couple of aunts, uncles, and cousins. This is her favorite memory because her family was in a panic to get her out right away. She was wearing a green t-shirt and camo leggings. This took place in 2009, so she was 5 years old.  


These memories are our favorite because they are very meaningful to us and very special. My favorite memory was falling into a hole. This is my favorite memory because I was scared, but relieved that my dad was able to get me out of the hole. My favorite memory was my first time on stage. This is my favorite memory because it was my first time going onto stage with my dance class.