week 6 blog challenge, activity 1!

Wedding Shower CupcakesCupcakes are very popular in America! You can get creative and add a variety of toppings. Such as sprinkles, chocolate,marsh mellows and jelly beans. There are also multiple flavors of frosting and whipped cream. The most popular flavors are chocolate, vanilla,strawberry, and buttercream frosting. I hope that I didn’t make you too hungry!

Photo credit:Creative Commons License Stephanie Clifford via Compfight

Week 4 blog challenge! Activity 1

What I learned was that you can share with others your work which is called attribution. You can also duplicate your work and make one just like it and share it again and again. This is called a share alike. You may need to get a license like copyright to protect your work from being copied or stolen. Plus with a license you will keep the credit for all your work.

Commenting Guidelines! Blog challenge week 3!

Here are some guidelines to consider while posting a comment!

  • Don’t use words that you use when you use when texting. instead use words like you instead of u.
  • Do use vivid words when posting a comment. It adds some excitement in your comment!
  • Don’t make it too random. It should have something to do with the post that your   Commenting on.
  • Do add good grammar and punctuation!
  • don’t forget to add a question at the end and use star,wish,wonder! It makes a connection with your readers.


Free Write 4/1

Finally I get to begin my journey to the ground!Mr.Cloud is teaching us how to fall to the ground while avoiding obstacles. Similar to Umbrellas and people. Tomorrow is April 2nd 2016. That’s the day when my friends and I get to go Skydiving! Ms.Sun is going to finally give us a chance to “Shine”. We have been studying soooo hard to pass the test to qualify us for tomorrow. Today is the day that we get to have fun. First, Mr.Cloud helped us rain to the ground. And I’ll have to say that was one fast Surprise! First, I pasted the Clouds and the atmosphere then I landed in the little Birdbath, In front of a bakery called “Sweet Treats!”. I landed with my friends. What a coincedence! They all told me about their journey too! Rainy Rosie hit an umbrella, Mr. Cloud warned us about them. “They should make softer things so that us raindrops don’t get hurt!” I suggested. Luckily for me I landed directly in the Birdbath!

Blog challenge week 4! 3 attractions in the United States

The number 1 attraction is located near the most delicious chocolate in the world! I have been to Hershey Park myself, and I can tell you they have a variety of chocolates to candies. Including Jolly Ranchers, Seasonal chocolates, Gum and the original Hershey Kisses! So don’t take my word for it, be sure to check it out yourself.

Another attraction would be Yosemite national park! You can find it in California and you can explore it’s open fields. You can also  see and learn about different interesting animals. If you want to learn more about this Spectacular park, Be sure to visit their site at:  https://www.nps.gov/yose/index.htm

Last but not least, Don’t forget to visit the White House! It’s in Washington D.C. I have been to Washington D.C before but never inside the White House. You can see how the President preforms his job and you can learn more about how laws come to be!


blog challenge week 2

I visited Rachel! I posted a comment because I thought that she wrote a lot of important guidelines on “Rachel’s commenting guidelines”

Hi Rachael! I enjoyed reading your guidelines. I wish that you could have added more guidelines. Which guideline do you think is most important?

Another blog that I visited was Darcey’s  blog. I visited Darcey’s blog post because they used vivid words to describe their guidelines on “Student blogging challenge: Commenting”

Hi, Darcey! I’m Georgina and I think that you added some good advice on how to post a quality comment. What is the most important rule do you think is most important to include in a quality comment?

I also visited Kyndal’s blog. I commented on her blog because she added very useful information and was very specific on how to write/post a quality comment! I visited her blog post titled “How to comment”

Hi Kyndal! I enjoyed reading your blog. I also like how you were so specific about how to write a quality comment. Did you enjoy making these guidelines?

visit my blog at:http://blog.elanco.org/fam804ut/

Last but not least, I visited Sophie’s blog! I commented on her blog because I thought that she added a lot of important details. Visited on her “Student Blogging Challenge – Week 2” post!

Hi Sophie! I enjoyed reading your guidelines on posting a quality comment! I think that you did a fantastic job adding details. Do you think that you added all of the most important guidelines? I think that you did great


free write 3/18

“Wow!” This is amazing,I’ve just found the most enormous Beanstalk ever! Once I managed to climb the Beanstalk I found a huge castle. ” Can this day get any longer?” I thought. Too late, because it just did. I looked up and saw the biggest penguin I’ve ever seen (At least I think it was a penguin). It had the biggest flippers, But it turned out to be a gorilla or an extremely tall person. Anyways, whatever this “thing” was it caught a glimpse of me snooping around and started chasing me! I went around and about but it was no use, I just couldn’t get him to get lost. The only thing I managed to get lost was my mind!

How can drama help you better understand the feelings and viewpoints of characters?

Drama can help you better understand feelings and the viewpoint by how the setting is. Drama is a type of way people act. They act happy, sad, mad, lonely, etc. Drama can also help you better understand what is going on by the sound of their voice they could sound frightened, excited, or angry. A person could have facial expressions too. Some may be a grin, smile, gloomy, or twisting your face.( Which means you’re mad.) One more thing that could help is the dialogue. If it has an exclamation point, it either means they are happy or mad, it depends on the way they say it in your head.

Drama can also help you understand the conflict better by how they act the could act sneaky, happy, sad or excited. Another way drama can help you better understand is when they express their personality if the author/narrator describes the character.  When they express their personality, it’s either happy, sad, mad, gloomy, or excited. They have to express feelings somehow. So I think they could by saying it in a voice that is familiar. The last thing you can do to express your feelings is how they sound. They sound mad, sad, or happy sometimes. I think that is really cool and I can also understand better.

Drama can also help you better understand by how the characters respond to each other. Like how they talk to each other they might yell at each other. The characters can also act in different reactions. I think that if they don’t have any type of expression, you can’t understand what they are feeling. Are they mad, sad ,happy, We don’t know. I think we should have expressions in all books and plays.