March 23

A Invention I Would Like To Create

A invention I would like to create is a solar panel driveway. Here is a presentation and what I would read to you if I was presenting it to you.


If you press this link it will download it to your computer.

Sales Pitch #1-2g90j84


This is the paper that I would read to you during the presentation.


Solar Driveway

By: Zach and Dylan

Do you want  to save our earth well here we go we got this awesome idea that will blow your mind. We have an idea and we call it solar driveway. We need $50,000 to get started on our project. So what we will do is start talking to the solar panel company SunPower. Then they will help us make the solar panels. We picked this company because they have a 40 year lifespan for the solar panels. Also, because they are located all around the world and they produce 55% more energy output. We want to help our community and we need to stop all this air pollution and we need to stop using fossil fuels because we want to help the global goals. If you look now this is really bad for our environment Carbon Dioxide, Global warming, sea ice, sea level.The burning of fossil fuels produces around 21.3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide per year, and that creates lots of air pollution in the air and then it causes global warming.

We would want to go to a mall ,and advertise our idea to the community and they will pay money if they want solar panels their driveway and it would cost around $40,000, but when it is a littler space it will cost around $25,000. Then when you buy the solar panel from us then SunPower will help us make it. Then we would bring the solar panels to your house and install them. Then the cool thing about it is that you would be getting your money back. You would be getting your money back by how much energy you use so if you don’t use that much electric you get about $400 for that month. Then if you use a lot of electric you do not get that much money and you would maybe get around $100 to $200.

We would get this money by doing a fundraiser of some kind ,for example it could be a car wash or bake sale ,but we need too too do this for a long time. Then we can then use the money to help pay to the people who buys the Solar Driveway. Now if you live in a  development or apartment we would have all  different life styles. So if you live in a apartment we would tell the people that live in the building and persuade them to get the solar panels and put it in the driveway and if there was barely no driveway spots ,and the cars was under the apartment you can put mirrors to reflect under the car and onto the solar panels.

This is why we want you guys to buy solar driveway because it is very important to us and for you, and hopefully you will enjoy using it. It would be helpful because you also get paid if you don’t use all the energy you got.

I hope you liked me and my friend invention.

We found are solar panel company at


March 23

Great American Somkeout

The great american smokeout it is third thursday in november. I am talking to you guys about this is because I want people to stop smoking and also I do not a kid smoke later because this is really bad for your body. When you smoke your lungs can be very badly affected by smoking. Coughs, colds, wheezing and asthma are just the start. So that means that is just the beginning and that is what would be happening when you smoke. Also, smoking can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. Another is you want to live for a long time well this how DO NOT SMOKE because when you smoke your living will go down to 10 years. So that means you just wasted 10 years of your life by smoking and that is really bad and you do not want to do that to yourself even if you had a family.

That is why I think nobody should smoke and it is really bad for you and I do not want anyone to get hurt or die from something like that.

December 7

World Peace

Hi my name is Zach I am talking to you today about world peace it is November 17. If me and a friend had to do something to make our school more peaceful it would be to give nice compliments to each other. We would do it by giving kids a piece of paper every day and you had to tell someone a nice compliment. When you give someone a compliment you write there name and what you said to them and you have to have 5 people before the school day ends. Also, you can’t say it to the same kid every day you have to say things to different people every day. We would pick this idea because it would help people be kind to others instead of being rude to each other because we want the world to be peaceful.

December 7

A Time To Give

If I had to give one thing to the most  important people in my life it would be respect. I picked respect because if you want the person to be nice and like you, you would have to be respectful to those people in example say your family Giving a gift that is respect makes you look so much better. Because it shows that  you care how you act. That is what I would give to the most important people in my life. I want to be kind but also I want them to respect me.

November 30

5 Important People That I Would Hang Out With

5 Important People That I Would Hang out with would be my grandma, grandpa, dad, mom, and  Riley. I picked my grandma,grandpa, mom, and dad because I love them very much and they take me places. Now about my mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa. One is my dad I picked him because he does stuff with me like plays soccer, baseball, and etc. and he always plays with me and he always helped me with stuff. I picked my mom because she helped me all the time with stuff like with my homework when I did not get anything. Also, she is a doctor so if something happens to me she knows what to do. I also picked my grandpa he is a fun person we always would go up in the woods and cut down trees and load them on the hill truck then we go back down and split the wood. I like that because it is really fun to spend time with him and he is very nice. Then I picked my grandma I picked her because she takes me every where and without her I could not go to places and that is how she helps me out and That is why I think she is important. Lastly, picked Riley because we always would play something on the xbox and when I play with him on the xbox is because I am not board. Also, is because he has a great sense of humor and he is very nice and that is what I like about these 5 people and the are really awesome people.

November 2

My Dream Job

Hi  everyone, I will be talking to you about my dream job. My dream job is to become a police officer. I want to be a police officer because I want to be like my dad ,and because I really want to help people. I like helping other people because everyone should feel safe not scared. I think that is really important to keep everyone safe. We should try to keep people safe because one of our global goals is peace and justice. I think peace and justice would be one of my favorite goals because there are all these people that should be safe and don’t deserve to get hurt. That’s why I would want to be a police officer, and keep people safe.

October 5

Who Is My Hero

Today I am going to be posting who my hero is. My hero is my dad he is my hero because he was a police officer and he helps keep people safe. MY dad is really kind to others. I always wanted to be like him when I grow up, so I can help all different people and keep them safe like my dd did. My dad arrested bad guys so no one would get hurt. I wonder, can I be more like him? Yes, I can because I like helping people and being kind just like him. I always want to be a police office because I like to
help people, keep people safe, and arrest bad guys.