Hanna's Blog



How do the themes in poetry help you gain deeper understanding of life in general?

Will: Italics   Hanna: Bold   How do the themes in poetry help you gain deeper understanding of life in general? I think poetry is a good way of understanding life. I believe that life is a huge part of poetry…. Continue Reading →

How does visual information help the reader to understand scientific and technical text?

Koy: Regular Hanna: Italicized  Will: Bold How does visual information help the reader to understand scientific and technical texts?   Visual text helps you understand scientific text and technical text by showing you what they mean in the text. If you are… Continue Reading →

Number The Stars

Hanna: Bold Koy: Regular Number the stars 1-5 It affects annmarie by scaring her to death. It worries her whole family because her family friends are jewish people and they don’t want anything  to happen to them. They were terrified.  … Continue Reading →

Blog Challenge week 6: Top 10 Amazing songs that are very popular in The U.S.!!

NOTE- These are my top ten, Some people may think a different song belongs in a place of one I have on this list. There are so many more I could put in this list. 1. 7 years by Lucas… Continue Reading →

Free Write 4/1/16: Would you rather play a joke on someone or have a joke played on you? Explain.

I would rather play a joke on someone else. This is probably the better choice of them all. I do enough embarrassing things without it being April Fools day. So, playing a joke on someone else is great! I would… Continue Reading →

Blog challenge week 2: How to make the worlds best comment!!

You can make the worlds best comment by using “Star, Wish, Wonder”. This helps you make an amazing comment because it gives the person who made the post something you like about their writing, something they could improve but it… Continue Reading →

Free Write 3/18: Describe your most awkward moment + how you felt at that time.

NOTE: Partially True Partially Not!!!!!!   My most awkward moment was when I first met my now really good friend who some people  think he’s me BF ( Boyfriend), Jace. It was really awkward. I was 11 and he was… Continue Reading →

How can drama better understand the feeling and viewpoints of characters?

How can drama help you better understand the feelings and viewpoints of characters? Hanna- Bold Allison- Italicized          It can help me tell they’re feeling and viewpoints by how they acted in that situation. Like for example if they… Continue Reading →

Blog Challenge Week 1: Things you never knew about Hanna

Hanna is: Helpful Athletic Nice Native American  

My Favorite Memory!

                                                  Hanna: Bold         Tyler Murphy: Italicized   My favorite memory is when I… Continue Reading →

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