Legend Of the Deep sea Diver


Legends say that there is a deep sea diver deep in the sea, and when you go into his territory he takes you as his slave forever. The only way that you can escape is sneaking away when he is asleep. The hard thing about that is he has guards all around his empire…

One day in September, Finn yelled to his sister “ C’mon get up alice, We’re going on our Disney cruise so start packing!!” Alice responded


Fine i’m getting up”

It sounded like Alice wasn’t as excited as Finn was, but she had touch of excitement in her. Their parents were not even up yet, and the

kids were basically already in the car.

Finn yelled “Mom! Dad! “It’s time to go on our cruise” They Grumbled back “oh yeah we forgot” Alice Said “Fine just hurry up!!!”

“Alright we’re up, just give us a second to get packed. Play outside meanwhile, why don’t ya?”

“Alright, alright. We’re going.”

. . .

Outside Finn and Alice were throwing a football around. “Were ready yelled their mom, now get in the Lamborghini Veneno.”


“You wanna go on the cruise or not?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Okay then. Get in the car.”

Once they were there they all got in the cruise and settled in right away just to make sure no one else took their room. A couple minutes later, the cruise started up and they were on their way. They had so much fun, but the one thing they were waiting for was to go diving. A Couple hours later, the time to dive came.

“Ahhhhhhh yeah. Finn said in a relaxation voice. Time to go diving.”

“Ye ha!” Alice said.

“Alright, alright, their parents said. Let’s go.”

Once they went diving, they immediately regretted it. The minute they hit the surface of the water, they saw a dark castle. They decided to go explore it.

“Come on,” Finn said, “let’s go.”

“I don’t think that it’s a good idea.” Alice said. “It might cave in.”

“Don’t be a wuss, Alice. Let’s go.”

“Okay… but if we get hurt in the process you owe me.”

“Okay, fine. But let’s go already.”

So, there they went, deep into the castle. Then they saw a bed. And a couch. And a person breathing under water!

“Hello friends” the mysterious person said. “Come, join me in dinner. We just started.

“Ummmm… who’s he?”

“Well, my wife and I. Alicia! Come here! We have visitors!”

“Ohhhhh… visitors you say. Cool! We never get visitors!”

“Ummm yeah, but can we go now we have to get back to our boat. And it’s getting kinda late.”

“Ohhhhhh no need too right now”

“I wanna stay” complained Finn

“Fine, but only for a couple of minutes” Responded Alicia

“Ok” Finn and Alice said in usion.

So There dad and mom went back to the ship they went with the mysterious guy…

Before long Finn started getting worried

Alice responded “Sure I’m starting to get creeped out”

They started to leave when the Mysterious guy said

“You can not leave my Realm you are stuck here FOREVER!!! Ha Ha Ha!” Finn whispered to Alice

“Uh oh”  

To Be Continued…