Jacob's Blog




Independent Novel Book Choice

For my independent novel, I chose the book, Hideout, by Watt Key. I have only read the first few chapters, but so far I am really liking it. It has a sense of mystery and some adventure. It is about… Continue Reading →

My Independent Novel

For my Independent Novel I started reading Leaving Protection, by Will Hobbs. It is about a boy that is from Port Protection, Alaska and gets on a plane and goes to Craig Alaska looking to get hired on a fishing boat for… Continue Reading →

PSSA Challenge

I kind of like the Pssa’s because I really like the quietness and I also like that they give you a snack. But, I don’t like them because I don’t like taking tests. I think that my strength will lean… Continue Reading →

Who is Your Favorite Superhero

My favorite superhero is WONDER WOMAN. She is my favorite superhero because she has the amazing bracelets that block bullets. I also like her because she has the really lasso that she catches bad guys with. She is even strong… Continue Reading →

Families Are Important

I personally do not have a favorite family member. I do not because they are all very important to me. I have lots of memories with all of them, like playing sports with my brother. The traits that I wish… Continue Reading →

A Personal Blog Post

Has there ever been a time where you wanted to do something so badly, but you just never got a chance to. Well this week we are supposed to blog about if we got a chance to do something that… Continue Reading →

A Hero

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” –  Christopher Reeve What does this quote mean to you? Going back to what we discussed at the beginning of this… Continue Reading →

Red Ribbon Week

I think that it is super important that teachers teach their students about drugs and alcohol so that the students know what the affects are that they might have if they start doing drugs or alcohol. I think that this… Continue Reading →

So Near to Death

One day, there was an avocado, his name was avocado. He was walking along on the sidewalk around 4:00 PM going on his evening walk. So he was walking along, and then he heard something that sounded like it came… Continue Reading →

The Quote to Live by

“It is much easier to be brave if you do not know everything.” What this quote means to me, is not knowing everything will get you further in life. I say this because if you know everything than you are… Continue Reading →

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