I’m sure you know how to comment, but do you know what goes into a comment. First of all you must say in the comment two things that you liked about the story most. Then, you must out in two things that you wished they would have fixed, done, or included. Last, you must put in two parts of the story that you wondered why they did that or didn’t do it.

There are also some things to not say like foul language. Foul Language you usually do not see, but it is very big. Only say things that are kind and nice. Say things like I wish you would have….. or I wonder why you did….. or even I liked how you did…..

always try to use correct grammar and spelling. You want to know all of this because if you don’t use correct grammar  then the person you are commenting to might not know what you are trying to say and get confused. You also want to use correct spelling because if you don’t then the person you are commenting to might think it is a different word and confused.

That is how you should be commenting. I hope you now know a little about commenting. Have fun!