All posts by brallirl

The girl who didn’t know how to love.

Hi thanks for reading my story if your going to this story is going to be about a girl who never learned to love.. I’ll get right into this let go!



Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl everyone thought she was the prettiest of them all by nobody knew why she would turn all the boys down.. Her secret was that she didn’t know how to love people. Everyday she would wake up wondering how do i love? Until one day…to be continued!! 

what ill do over summer break

with the starting ill try to get more sleeping in and going out to eat we haven’t done that in a while. And since we have our own pool we can go swimming whenever we want but only if its not thundering and lightning outside. Ill start doing more arts and craft and drawing and painting and stuff like that. Ill hand i=out with my friends more like MORE SLEEPOVERS :3 lol and more cooking i need to practice cooking on the stove -w- but ok and going to the mall more! we need summer clothes XD ill find more things to do this summer byee :3 OWO

my book club reading book

at one time of the year we got book club reading books with our color groups each group got a different book there was summer of the swans, the hidden hand, and the secret of the old oak trunk. I got the hidden hand and i’m gonna tell you about it. so it started off with telling the characters and different facts about each one of them. my favorite character is bush it’s a little dog that goes on adventures with them. After they started noticing things were already done because they were on a farm and sometimes there would be food put out for them or the chores found already done for them. Then that’s when the decided they were going to investigate after a while they found out the person who was behind all of it they left food just incase it was a person but i’m not gonna spoil it for the people that didn’t read the hidden hand quite yet. So go look for the hidden hand in a library maybe you’ll have some luck with that instead of imaging what it looks like i’m not telling every detail of the story ya know!

my weekend

my weekend wasn’t the worst but wasn’t the best it was in the middle it started off with saturday. it was boring but we got subway so i was really happy. it was ok but i still kinda enjoyed saturday. on sunday was mothers day it was not the best. but it was still fun to have my siblings came over.  it was fun we played hide and seek and thought of building a fort. for dinner we got pizza not any pizza but pizza hut i love pizza hut it was delicious we got so many pizzas we got like 7 boxes of pizza hut pizza.  me and my siblings had so much fun though i got to see my youngest nephew his names trevin hes adorable hes like 5 months old he’s adorable. he can sit up roll almost crawl and is working on standing up. so that’s the end of my weekend

about my weekend!!

My whole weekend started out like crazy. I don’t know how but it was crazy but not to crazy just a little crazy. here’s my whole weekend on paragraphs it goes like this. i basically had friday off because i had to go to the doctors it was fun. we got home my mom said i could go to the may sale on saturday i was excited to go until. the day of saturday i was not feeling well prob cause it was 6 AM! oh brother my mom left without me i had fun until my friend wanted me to come i was feeling better so. I texted my mom about it and i found a ride from my brother and his friend so fun the car was fast i had no problem with that we got there i ate food!! hotdog fries and ice cream!!! i was so happy for ice cream end of saturday.  Sunday we didn’t really do anything but hang out my mom was working and my dad got a break we got chinese food that’s basically my whole weekend byee

what we do on the fourth of july

on the fourth of july we have a cookout and we mostly have our pool up so people can swim everyone comes to our house but we can’t invite friends only family and our family members bring food as well last year it rained so to make it fun we put up a tent for people to put the tables in and sit in there to eat my soon to be sister had her dog tag along and i call him loaf of bread cause he looks like a loaf of bread and he’s so cute we also got to sit inside and it was fun we didn’t really get to swim but it was still fun cause i got to hand out with family members i haven’t seen in a year or so i got to play ps4 with some of my family members too  and maybe this year we can go swimming in our pool if it doesn’t rain a lot if it drizzles we can still swim i think but its still fun cause its like swimming in a shower we provide coolers and drinks and food too but still people bring food as well and we still get to play fun games were not just crowded inside the house the whole entire time we get to run around in the rain too. It gets a little bit cold but its ok cause we dont mind and that’s the end of what we do on the fourth of july “our very fun fourth of july”