Read the statement from the passage.

“When Maggie set her mind to a thing, no one could stop her.”

Write an essay analyzing how the events in the passage prove the statement is true. Use evidence from the passage to support your response.

When Maggie puts her mind to something, it happens. I will talk about in the next paragraphs about how Maggie paid rent with a snowball in june.  Also how she walked 400 miles to pay her rent to the earl in jail. 

Reason one why Maggie is unstoppable when she puts her mind  to it is she paid rent when the crops were not growing. Since the crops were not growing her husband Thomas wanted to sell the farm for money. Maggie did not like that idea because they put too much time into it and she did not want to give it up. Maggie decided to talk to the earl about the rent and he said ‘if you can bring me a snowball in the middle of June consider your rent paid ‘. So Maggie walked back to the farm and got two rocks and wedged snow in between them and covered them up. That is how Maggie paid her rent in the middle of June with a snowball. This evidence shows how she paid rent and how her husband Thomas did not stop her from paying rent. This evidence also shows how Maggie did it.

Reason two, Maggie traveled long distances to save the earl from jail. Maggie saved up all of her gold and baked in a bannock.  She is making a bannock with gold in it to give to the earl so he can pay himself out of jail using gold. Maggie had to dress like a man because the people fighting in the war would not let women fight. As the bannock was done Maggie started to walk a 400 mile journey just to pay the earl out of jail. Maggie was so determined that she planned the whole thing out. She even saved extra gold to pay the guard to see the earl and give him the bannock. After the earl got out of jail he said that since Maggie has saved the earl from jail she and her husband have no more rent at all. This evidence shows that Maggie was determined to reepay the earl by getting him out of jail. It also shows how she was brave and determined to get passed the guards and walk 400 miles just to get the earl out of jail

When Maggie puts her mind to something, nobody can stop her. Maggie was so determined to pay the rent she kept a snowball in the middle of June. She also walked 400 miles to get the earl out of jail. I think that is pretty amazing if you ask me.

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