My letter

Febaruary 19 ,2018


Dear mr. mckaskey I think we should do more gardens, because they can learn how to take care of stuff, and we need to be able to know science, they can go outside a little bit more.


Because other grades can plant and learn to take care of other stuff. Why they should take of other people’s stuff  is because when you get older people will maybe trust you to take care of there stuff. Also take care of school supplies.


We need a garden because we might be able to learn more about science,math and other classes. Because for a garden you have to get the preminater the area. Then for ELA you could read the information you need to help your brain by reading.


Also because they can get more exercise how because there going outside and doing something. So you can start moving and get some fresh air and not be stuck inside all day.


This is why we should have a garden near our school.

  • From Mckayla

One thought on “My letter

  1. I love how you used lots of reasons why you need your garden I wish you told us what you ment by a little bit more and I wounder how scinece would help you by reading

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