Surviving the Applewhites

What is the “Creative Academy” and how does Jake Semple end up going there?   List all the members of the Applewhite family and explain what each of their talents or jobs is. Why does E.D. think she is different than the other Applewhites? What are they like? What is she like?


What is the Creative Academy?

The creative academy is a  home school but Jake thinks it is more like a unschool.


How does Jake end up go to the Creative Academy?

He has to go there because no other school in his home state will take him. He can not go to any other school because they think that he burned down the school.


          All Applewhite family members and their talents or jobs.

– Randolph Applewhite is good at art and science

-E.D. Applewhite her job is to give Jake a tour

– Grandpa Applewhite

-Zedediah Applewhite job is to cook for the family

Destiny Applewhite likes math and says what is on his mind  

-Debbie Applewhite is good at writing

-Zedediah Applewhite good at  making hand crafted furniture

Cordelia Applewhite happy and cheerful that Jake is good at music and dance

Lucille Applewhite is good at poetry

– Archie Applewhite has a gallery on a website inventive

Hal Applewhite good at stealing food

-Sybil is good at being a mom


Why does E.D. think she is different than the other Applewhites?

All the other Applewhites have things that they are really good at but E.D. does not think that she has something that is really good at. I think in the end of the book E.D. will find the thing that she is good at.


What are they like?

They are all really famous and good at a lot of things.


What is she like?

She is good at some things and not really famous. In the end I think that she will be really famous.