If I was a Zoo animal !

If I was a zoo animal I would like to be a gorilla. The reason I would like to be a gorilla is because they always look so cool. Just sitting there and looking like a boss with their big strong arms and rough looking. Another reason I would like to be a gorilla is because they have a very unique minds. They are really quick minded, like how they paint, solve puzzles, and some are even  trained communicate through sign language.  

If I was caged I would feel uneasy and very sad. I can’t imagine if people found me in nature and just shoved me into a small, unhappy, little cage of disappointment. If it had a TV and I could draw. That would be a whole different story. I would be a lot happier if I could do those things, but I still would not be 100% happy. One reason is that I would probably would not understand the people on the TV so well, and just drawing and painting all the time would get old really really fast.

I would feel pretty good about myself if people visited and watched me. It would definitely raise my self of steam level because just the concept of people stopping to just get a glimpse of a wonderful gorilla is just amazing. Plus I would love to see little kids looking at me with their ooo’s and aahh’s, and their little faces with their jaw dropped. Another reason I would love to be seen by audience is to show off my artist skills. If you would think that I was awesome you should see me draw as a gorilla. Plus if my drawings were selling for money.

So, for all the bad things that are said about gorillas be captured and put in zoos. I think, I just think that gorillas might be having just a little fun watching new people come in every day just to live the experience to see all the animals. That is my opinion about be a caged gorilla with an audience might be that the animal might be pretty happy. You never know.        



Rats another day at the zoo. Well I better introduce myself. My name is Holly the dolphin and live at the Merriamsburg Zoo. When I was little I lived with my Mom, Dad, and my older brother Ben.Then, they took me and put me on a  HUGE ship. I was thinking where are they taking me. Then, they said the word that changed my life. “Zoo!”This is what I do all day watch and watch and more watching people. People come to my cage and look through the big 24 by 24 foot windows. People eat their ice cream cones and then put their dirty hands on the window. Sometimes I have shows where I show off my skills by letting people ride on my back.At the zoo it is a little boring but sometimes it is fun.At the zoo I met many other animals and now they are my best friends.Sometime you should visit me in the Merriamsburg Zoo just ask a worker where Holly is. I hope to see you!  

Tanner: regular  Allison: italicized


Free Write 2/19/16

I would rather go scuba diving. I would want to scuba dive because you can see all kinds of animals. It is so beautiful and cool because not everyone can go scuba diving. I would not want to sky dive because you need to land at the right place to survive. With scuba diving you can just explore and go where ever really. In both things you need to know what you are doing. In sky diving you need to have the right gear so you don’t die. In scuba diving you need to have the right gear also so you can live. Even though they are both dangerous I would still go. You can see God’s creation in the sea. Also you can see the reefs and see the awesome plants that live there. This is why I would rather go scuba diving than sky diving.