
kk One afternoon, a girl named Ally found out that she was going to visit her grandpa that lived near a valley. She loved to visit him, but this visit was different. It was different because this time her cousin Kayla was going to be there, and they didn’t even like each other a little bit. The reason why Ally didn’t like her was because a couple of years ago she got an award at summer camp for being the best at singing and Kayla was so jealous that she broke her award. And Tomorrow was the day she had to see Kayla and she wasn’t excited about it at all. The next day, Ally went to her grandfather’s house. Just like she expected Kayla was there, but she was acting weird, she was being nice. Later, her grandfather Bill them both on a walk to explore the valley. And Kayla still kept being or acting nice. Then, Ally started talking about the good memories her and her grandpa had the last time she visited him.

Kk ” Remember the time we saw some fish in the water and fed them bread?” Ally asked. ” And the time we saw baby birds in a nest?” “Ooo and….”

kk ” Oh and the time you stopped talking?” ” In case you didn’t know I stopped you because you were being very annoying.” Kayla stated angrily. Just as Ally thought she actually changed. And the only reason Kayla didn’t like her was because she was jealous of her.

kk ” Alright that’s enough girls let’s head back.” grandfather (Bill) demanded.

kkkkkkkkkkkkk You decide what happens to them. Will they eventually make up or not.
