Christmas Post

  How I’ve always celebrated Christmas was with a family party, but all of the parties weren’t the same. How I celebrated Christmas when I was young is different from now because now I have 2 more baby cousins and now my aunt and uncle aren’t here because they moved away. Also for Christmas now we always have the parties at my house, and sometimes when I was young we had it at aunt and uncle’s house or my grandparents’ house. Another different thing for Christmas is that also my new aunt comes to our Christmas parties now. And now for Christmas we play lots of Christmas themed games, and when I was young I just ate and played around with my cousins. Something else that’s different is that when I was young we always to family pictures at the party, and now sometimes we take pictures with our aunts but not altogether. 

  The thing that my family does on Christmas eve is each person can pick 1 present to unwrap. My parents pick out the present for us though. The presents that I like the most is my American girl doll look a like, Saige, Isabelle, my tablet, and everything. And before Christmas we always set up the Christmas tree and decorations. My brother and I like to put all of the ornaments on,  And something that is the same is that we have always done secret santas. Secret santas is when on Thanksgiving we write what we want on a piece of paper and who ever gets yours has to get one thing that’s on your list. On Christmas when we have the party we get our gift and we have to guess who got us. That is what I do for Christmas and Christmas eve.                                                 Scott Morris via Compfight

Almost Christmas!!!