a) How must have Ruby felt on her first day at Frantz Elementary School?
b) How did the public react to Frantz Elementary School’s desegregation?                       Trinity
c) How would you have felt if you were in Ruby’s shoes on that important day?

Ruby Bridges must have felt anxious on her first day at Frantz Elementary School because you can tell that Ruby was excited to go to school. She also must of felt nervous because all those people were yelling at her every time when she entered in the school. You can tell that Ruby is excited to go to school because the video mentioned that every day she had a smile on her face. She must of also been scared because all the people in the mob sounded like they wanted to hurt her. And I say anxious because anxious is like excited, nervous, and scared.

How people reacted to Frantz Elementary School’s desegregation was very rude. I say that how they reacted was rude because if every time a mob of people were yelling at you and calling your names you would think that that is mean and rude. People didn’t like the desegregation because they didn’t even send their children to school before that’s how much they didn’t like the desegregation.

If I was in Ruby’s shoes on the first important day I would cry and probably not  want  to go back to school even though I loved to learn because I would not like it if every time I walked into school someone was yelling at me I would be scared because of that. And I would feel sad  because nobody went to school with Ruby, so Ruby couldn’t play, talk, sit, or learn with other children that’s why I would be sad.