Dear Travis,                    7/10/92

     A couple days ago I was riding my horse, and my new sombrero flew off. A horned toad was there when it happened. He told me that he could get my sombrero, but I had to do him three favors. I said yes because I couldn’t tell my dad I went to the arroyos. He said I had to feed him chili, play my guitar for him, and I had to let him sleep in my sombrero. Then the Horned Toad got my hat and I went back to the prairie. While I was at the prairie the Horned Toad barged at the door but I would not let him in but my daddy said a deal is ah deal in these parts so I had to let him in. First The Horned Toad wanted me to make him chili, so he could eat it. Then he wanted me to play my guitar for him. After that he wanted to take a nap in my sombrero, but I told him that he can’t take a nap in my sombrero.

      Since I wouldn’t let him sleep in my sombrero he told me that instead of taking a nap in my sombrero if I give him a kiss he will leave right away. You gotta be kiddin I said.If you do this last thing for me we can call it even. To make it even I kissed the toad and he turned into a man. Who are you I said.He said I am prince Maximilian.Then the charming man went off and that was the crazy day I lost my hat.

                                                 Sincerely, Reba Jo