On the banks of Pumpkin marsh by Tatham Infante and Trinity


     One day on a hot and sunny day at the house on pumpkin marsh Barnaby smalls a twelve year old who lived on the plains of Pennsylvania. His mom and dad asked him if he would like to go swimming in pumpkin marsh. Barnaby was hot and had sunburn on him so he said yes I would. He got on his trunks and started walking towards the pond. He dove head first in the water luckily it was five feet down so he didn’t bump his head. Barnaby’s little sister Megan wanted to go swimming to his mom made sure he was watching her. Barnaby really didn’t want to because he thought she was a little annoying.

     Barnaby felt something on him it was a leach he didn’t really mind but it was starting to hurt so he pulled it off and got out of the water he was standing right at the edge of the water and suddenly BAM!!! Something thrown him right in the water and almost broke his leg.He he shot right out of the water and he was like WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!! To his sister she said I didn’t push you a monster did “Oh really a monster pushed me.Barnaby felt sick from that throw he went right inside to rest for the day. He didn’t tell no one about what happened that day. Later that day Megan screamed. “ There’s a MONSTER in my closet!!!” she yelled. Barnaby could not sleep all night he looked out the window and saw something creeping in the grass.He couldn’t see it directly and suddenly a creature appeared with its teeth out looking at Barnaby he yelled ‘It was just a dream it was just a dream’ He said now he really couldn’t sleep. Barnaby looked outside just to make sure it was a dream.                                                                                                         

     He didn’t see nothing outside, but he heard static noises in his head. Barnaby went out to check he saw a dead possum on its back. He was scared. He saw a tree trip over the branches. He started to run back inside and he screamed. He ran up the stairs still screaming and woke up his parents and sister. Now he couldn’t sleep and his parents couldn’t sleep Barnaby’s parents were mad at him. His parents yelled at him for sneaking out of the house and woke all of them up. He started to go away from his parents because he started to get scared of them. Barnaby was backing up then he fell down the stairs.When he got to the bottom he was closing his eyes.But right before he closed them he saw the alien grab him and BAM they were gone. He was scared of the alien, but he got away from his parents. The alien took him to pumpkin marsh and threw him into the marsh. The marsh was fifty feet down into the water. The alien sat on the edge of the marsh watching Barnaby fall down to the bottom. Barnaby pulled the aliens foot and the alien fell in the marsh.The alien was about to exterminate Barnaby.But then their naughty cat that had a weird laugh herherher.Scratched the alien  and  bit him and the alien was no more he fell in pumpkin marsh and evaporated  the water because he was from a really hot planet.The night was over and his parents got home.They asked him what he did he said I fought an alien oh sure you did said his parents.He had a very happy alien life. The alien’s planet was called planet mercurios it was in the sun.