The bob guess visit by chad.

Bob was once a little kid he said bob said he could make it big but one day he saw chad, Chad was one of the bullies in bobs school. Bob use to be confident in himself but one day chad came along before chad was in his school bob was one of the cool kids. But chad got in the way of bob being a cool kid and he made bob one of the bad kids for a little he bullied anyone just to get a laugh out of it but bob thought and said to himself that he didn't care if he was popular anymore he became smart and he focused more on his grades then being focusing on being popular,  But lets get a little of the back story of chad, Chad was once like bob he was smart and never got in trupol but he was bullied but when he moved to bobs school he said this was a new start and he wanted to be popular but when started to try to become popular his grades went down and he started getting in trupol but the first day he became popular he came up to bob and he put his arm back and...


  1. kinsey_hartert · October 16, 2021 at 3:35 pm ·

    Wow, Nick! This sounds like the beginning of a great story! I like how you described the characters’ backgrounds and left the story on a cliffhanger. I wonder if you could tell us a little bit more about what the characters look like, how old they are, etc.

  2. lyshm2 · October 18, 2021 at 4:19 pm ·

    I like your story nick! I like how you gave a backstory of Chad and left it on a cliffhanger. Kinda the same thing Miss.Hartert said, maybe a little more detail about the characters. But good job with the story!