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December Wellness Challenge

Welcome December

Have fun with the December challenge and please send me your November results.

I wish each of you a fun filled, stress free, enjoyable month of December.

December Wellness


November Wellness 2019

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”–Marcel Proust

Welcome November!

Please see the blog for your next wellness challenge.

November Wellness

Here are the bannes from the September Challenge

Banners Made by ELANCO Staff Members

Have a wonderful month and enjoy the Thanksgiving break!

October 2019 Wellness

September flew by and October is here.  Please see the new wellness challenges for the month.

October Wellness Challenge

September 2019 Wellness

September Wellness Challenge

May Wellness

Our last wellness challenge is here – welcome May and wellness challenge number 9.   Make the most of this last full month with your students. Keep smiling and inspiring!

May Wellness

Please send me your April results.



April Wellness

Wow – where did March go?  April is here, bringing another wellness challenge.

I hope everyone has an amazing April and a nice relaxing Easter break.  Please send me your March results.

****Also- please mark your calendars for the second Night Around the World event sponsored by the ELANCO Health Council on May 23 at the high school cafeteria and gym areas.  Information will be coming. This is a FREE event.

April Wellness-1r77z17

Here are the M recipes from February

Recipes for Food with the letter M-2k9kjr0


March Wellness

Welcome March  – spring and longer days are on the way.

March Wellness-2dte5bt

Here is the list of food with the letter M from the January challenge.

Foods with the letter M-21vqq3u

Thank you for participating – hard to believe we will only have two more challenges this year.




February Wellness

Happy Heart Month – take a look at this month’s challenge focusing on mental health, nutrition and fitness.

February Wellness-25plt3g


Image result for happy heart month

Please email me your January results.



January 2019

Welcome to a new year filled with excitement and energy.  Please see the new wellness challenge for January. Please send me your responses for December.  Have a great month.

January Wellness-1k05r83


December Wellness 2018

Le paysage habité/The inhabited landscape/Det bebodda landskapet
Hard to believe we have reached December already. Thanks for all the great ideas that were sent in from the October Challenge. Below are some fantastic apple recipes and artwork from the October challenge

Here is the December wellness newsletter – December Wellness 2018. Happy Holidays and good luck on I = improve, ignite & inspire, identify


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