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February Wellness

The months  really do go by fast and we are into heart month already.  I have attached the new staff wellness challenge and also wanted to remind you to sign up for a well check on our early  dismissal/in service  days in February.  Please send me your results for January.

February Wellness 2021

February Clip Art | Month of February Snowman Love Clip Art Image - the  word February in ... | Arts month, February images, February month


January Wellness Challenge

Bring on 2021!!!  A new year is here and I am sure we are all curious to see what it brings while in the midst of a pandemic.  Challenge seems to be the perfect theme for wellness this school year.  Each of you are rising to the challenge and making a difference just by showing up to work each day and building relationships.  Please take time to take care of yourself.  Eat well, get enough rest and try to fit in some sort of movement mulitple times a week.  Continue to be a positive force in the lives of those around you personally and professionally.

Here we come 2021!

January Wellness

Please send me your December wellness lists.  Thank you and best wishes for a safe, happy New  Year.


December Wellness

Another new month and another new wellness challenge.  How can it be December already?

Please look over the new challenge and send me your November results.  I hope each of you had time to relax and had a wonderful Thanksgiving break.

December Wellness

November Wellness

The month of thankfulness and appreciation is here.  More than ever, please go through this month with an attitude of gratitude.  Keep up the great work you do each day and continue to  support your coworkers.

November Wellness

October Wellness Challenge

Wow – did September fly by!!!  Congratulations for making it through the first month of school during a pandemic,  All of you are doing an amazing job and you should hold your head up high and be proud!  Keep plugging away each day and remember – you can always change the day by having a smile under that mask!!!


Here is the next wellness challenge

October Wellness

Have a outstanding October!!

September Wellness Challenge 2020

Welcome back to a new school year.  I hope eveyrone is well rested and ready to take on the challenge ahead of us.  The pandemic is not something we asked for and will impact how we teach.  We are extremely capable of rising above this challenge.  We will be stronger as a result and closer as a unit.  Do the best you can and have a wonderful year!


September wellness


May Wellness

Time for our final wellness challenge for the 2019-2020 school year.  I hope you and your families are well and staying safe.  Please look over the bingo card challenge for May.  You may take your time and select an activity to do each day.  I changed the wellness plan up a little this month to give you more flexibilty.  Thank you for all you are doing during this virutal learning time.  I appreciate each and every one of you and thank you for your service to the ELANCO School District and Community!  YOU ROCK!!!!!


May staff wellness

March Wellness



Spring is almost here with longer days.  Make an effort to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

Please send me your February wellness results.

Here is the new challenge for March

March Wellness

Best wishes for a magnificent March!




February Wellness Challenge

Where did January go?  Moving on to heart healthy month, please see below for the next wellness challenge.

February Wellness

Feb heart month

Image result for have a great month

January Wellness 2020

New Year, New Decade, New Wellness Challenge

Best wishes for an amazing new year!  Please refer to the link for the wellness challenge.  Also, I have attached the word walls from November. Please take the time to look at them and even print and hang in your room- they are wonderful – great job everyone.


January Wellness

November Word Walls



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