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March Wellness Challenge



Spring is almost here – longer and warmer days are on the way.  Take some time to get outside and enjoy the month of March.

Hard to believe we only have three more wellness challenges this year.  Here is your monthly challenge for March.

March Wellness

Good luck and I hope you have an amazing March.  Treat a coworker to a Shamrock Shake:)

Please send me your February wellness results.


February Wellness

Welcome February – longer days and hopefully some warmer days!!! Hard to believe this is the sixth staff wellness challenge already.  Thank you for participating, I enjoy reading the results each month.  Keep up the great work and continue to make the most of each day.    Try and work on your heart health this month with some added cardio to your day.  This is not part of the challenge – but thought I would give the suggestion for heart month.

       All in for Heart Month - University of Ottawa Heart Institute

Here is the new challenge

February Wellness

Please send me your January wellness results.



January 2022

r✓ Welcome 2022 Stock Photos

Happy New Year!!   We have had a couple of rough years and I hope you are ready to move forward and look for the good in 2022.  I am proud of your perserverance and how you have made the best of a tough situation.  We are strong and we will prevail.  Please do your best to support each other during the upcoming year and find the “little things” that make each day special.  We have a brand new year to start fresh, make the most of it.  

Here is the first wellness challenge of 2022, good luck and have fun with it.

january wellness

Please send me your December results.

 wake up, be awesome, inspire someone, smile, you rock – set of inspirational sticky notes against rustic wood

December Wellness

Happy December!  Our last wellness challenge of 2021 is here.   I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving vacation.  Time to begin one of our busiest months of the year.  The wellness challenge this month is geared to improve your stress levels and maintain a positive attitude.   Have fun and enjoy.

December Wellness

Here are some pet photos and recipes from our staff challenge in October.  These photos made me smile and help reinforce how special a pet can be.  Thank you for sending them.

Staff October Wellness Pet Pictures

Please send me your November results.

November Wellness

The leaves are changing, the days are getting cooler and soon we turn our clocks back –  must mean November is here.  A new month full of many possibilities and days for you to make a difference in the lives of your students, peers and loved ones.  Best wishes for a happy, healthy November.

Attached you will find the next wellness challenge.  Please send me your October results.

November Wellness

October Wellness Challenge

Wow – super hard to believe October is here  this week.    I would like to applaud each of you for working through all of the challenges we did not think would be as large this school year.  Please know that you are making a difference every day even though it might not seem like it at the time.  Continue to take baby steps and do what you have to do to stay healthyand positive.  Support your coworkers on a daily basis and make each other laugh – we could all use some laughter.

I have the October challenge attached for you.  Please send me your September results in an email.

Take some time to get out and enjoy the amazing fall weather and the incredible fall colors.

October Wellness

Have an outstanding October.

September 2021

Welcome back to the 2021-2022 school year.  Our word for the wellness challenges this year will be passionate.  We are heading into another uncertain school year and I know each of you will rise to the challenge like last year.  I am proud to be a part of the ELANCO family and appreciate how hard each of you work.  Thank you for everything you do each day to make ELANCO a wonderful district.

Please take a look at this month’s wellness challenge and get involved and participate.  My goal is to have as many staff members as we can participate in the monthly challenges.  Have fun with them and help to improve your overall wellness.

Have a terrific school year.  Be strong – be grateful and smile often.:)

Sepetember wellness


May Wellness

May is here and so is the last wellness challenge of the school year.   Congratulations on all of your efforts this year in and out of the classroom.  This has been a year unlike any other in our careers and you should be proud of your accomplishments.  I only have two parts to this challenge. I know May is full of enough stress already, so I did not want to add to that.

 wake up, be awesome, inspire someone, smile, you rock – set of inspirational sticky notes against rustic wood

Thank you for your perserverance this year and for making the most of each day.  Best wishes for a smooth ending to the school year.

Please send me your April results.

May Wellness

April Wellness Challenge

Welcome April, we are ready for warmer weather and longer days.  Hard to believe we only have two wellness challenges left for this school year.  Thank you for participating and keep up the inspirational  work! I continue to be grateful for the staff I work with and how you motivate me with your responses each month.  

Please send me your March results and have fun with the April challenge.

April Wellness Challenge 2021


March Wellness Challenge

Welcome to March

March Calendar – The MPS Advantage

The days will be getting longer, please try and take some time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.  I hope you have a wonderful month and continue to inspire the students you teach.  I also hope you continue to make your coworkers laugh as you did in the month of January.  (January wellness challenge)

Please send me your results from February.  Thanks for participating and striving to maintain a high standard of health and wellness.

March Wellness 2021

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