Monthly Newsletter

The latest Classroom update.    

The holidays are fast approaching.  Please click here for our November Newsletter.

November Newsletter



September News

It is almost time to go back to school!  I’ve enjoyed spending time with my family and especially helping our youngest daughter plan her wedding!  I can’t wait to hear about your summer as well!  I’m excited about starting our school year and I hope you are too.

We will have a great year in room 105.  You will be meeting new friends and having fun with old friends.  We will continue to learn to read, explore math and science, and practice writing.  We will also discover a lot of interesting information about plants and animals.

So we can learn about each other please bring in a favorite picture, stuffed animal, or souvenir that you would like to share with our class.  You will have a chance to share during the first week of school.  I can’t wait to learn more about you!!!

We have recess at 12:45 with lunch at 1:05.  We  will have time to have a small snack in the morning.  Please bring one healthy treat for snack.  Some suggestions are fruit, vegetables, granola bars, yogurt, etc.

There are a few items that would be helpful for you to have for school.  Please bring in a small pencil sharpener with a lid, a few sharpened pencils, and a folder to take important papers home in.

I am looking forward to our first day of school.  I will be waiting for you at our door to show you where to put your things and what to do.  We are going to have a great year together and I am excited about getting started.  See you soon!!!!

Your first grade teacher,

Mrs. MacAdams











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