Save Electricity



Do you want to save electricity? Well if you do are group is going to tell you facts about LED lights so you can save money. If we ran out of natural resources animals and people would die out and there would be no more natural resources. We will tell you some facts about saving electricity.   



  First,We yous 911 kilowatts an hour every day.That is not good so you could,unplug things when you are not using it.Turn off the lights  when you are not in a room. You could get solar panels that only cost and your electricity bill will go down.then if your bill go down you will have a lot of you should get solar panels so you can save money.

That is why we need led lights because it will save us money. It will also save  natural resources like gas,coal because gas and coal make electricity.So save electricity  today




fun facts:

1.Did you know than an lightning bolt is ten times hotter than the face of the sun.

2.You can make electricity from a waterfall.                                       


 3. If we use to many natural resources we will lose them.


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