The Watsons Go to Birmingham

In Chapter 1 of The Watsons Go to Birmingham the first thing that happens is that we are introduced to Watson Family which is Byron, Joetta, Mom, Dad and Kenny who is the narrator of the story and they live in Flint, Michigan and it’s really cold there. The problem that follows, it’s really cold there and their heater’s broken and Wilona still wished she lived  in Alabama. First, they decide to go to their Aunt Cydney’s house. Next, Kenny and Byron go to scrape the ice off the car, but things take a turn when Byron gets his lips  stuck on the mirror. They try to come up with ideas to get his mouth off the mirror and  momma decides to pull him off the mirror. Last,  they go to Aunt Cydney’s house and Kenny teases Byron for getting his mouth stuck to the mirror.  Things I learned from Chapter 1 was about the family, their personalities/characters, and their actions toward each other. Chapter 1 also brought out Byron’s character which is a mean and stuck up older brother. My favorite part of Chapter 1 was when Byron’s Dad asked him if his tongue was stuck too because he was kissing his reflection.

The Government in our daily lives

The Government in our daily lives

    The Government does lots of things for you on a daily basis.

They give you things such as your morning weather forecast, driving laws, clean food/water/milk, they allow tv to have no false language and allow your phone to work, they also set the time on clocks, and so much more.

That is how the Government is part of our daily lives.

My Ideal Job

My ideal job is chef.This is my ideal job because I really like to cook.This is also my ideal job because cooking is really fun.You get to make food for people and get feedback on what it taste like and a rate as well.I also really like making new things which is why I think this is my ideal job.

My Ideal Job

 Ideal Job

My ideal job is chef.This is my ideal job because I really like to cook.This is also my ideal job because cooking is really fun you get to make food for people and get feedback on what it taste like and a rate as well.I also really like making new things which is why I think this is my ideal job.

All about EmieLeeann

                                    All About EmieLeeann

My name is EmieLeeann and my birthday is January 29,2006,so I’m 11 years old and am in 6th grade.I don’t have any hobbies and the activities I do in school are Release Time and Chess Club.My favorite subject in school is math,holiday is Christmas,season is Spring,food is pizza.My blog is about school and I go to New Holland Elementary School.


“The Share Table”

                                                                       “ The Share Table”

How many children are hungry at NHES? The “Share Table” can help reduce global goal 2 at our school.There are numerous students at NHES that are very hungry. We believe that sharing food with hungry students can help reduce the number of hungry students and impact global goal 2.

                                                                     Sharing food and why

A lot of students are hungry at school.The “Share Table” can help.One of the first kinds of food we can share are the pre-packaged+unopened food from the cafeteria.The reason for this is that it could get moldy and people have touched, so it has germs on it.Another kind of food we can share is the pre-packaged+unopened food from packers that they don’t want.The reason for this is that packers throw away food they didn’t open and causes a lot more food wastage and instead of doing that they could give it to the “Share Table” for the students that are hungry. Last,the only thing you cannot bring in is NUT products.The reason for this is that some people are allergic to nuts and that could cause some allergic reactions for some students.

“The Share Table” not only helps those who are hungry and in need.It also teaches students how to be caring and care for other people.

                                                            How it works/who participates

Do you wonder who’s going to help with this program?Mrs.Sneath decides who participates in this program.The reason for this is because some people might take advantage of the table.Which will limit the food for the actual people that are hungry.The 6th graders can pack the food and be can be distributed to the people who participated.The reason for this is the students will give up their recess to pack the bags and given to kids at the end of the day.the students that are in release time can take it to the church because there’s a food bank there.The reason for this is because some people might take a lot of food with them.This is how we’re going to pick who participates and how it works.

You may think there’s no need for a “share table” at NHES,but according to the No Kid Hungry organization there is! More than 16 million children,nearly one out of 5 children in a America struggle with hunger.Children that have no food are more likely to experience headaches,stomachaches,colds,ear infections and fatigue.48.8 million americans -including 16.2 million kids lack the means to get nutritious food in  their systems on a daily basis.So,now you might think about your choices.

There are numerous students that are hungry at our school .We picked these details because they explain why we need it ,who gets to do it and how it works. We need this because students are hungry are more likely to get bad attitudes,headaches,stomachaches,colds,ear infections and fatigue. Mrs.Sneath,if you want to stop hunger at our school.You should join the cause to help your students. You don’t know how many students are hungry at our school,so you don’t know how many are suffering from this.