Interview a Family Member! (My Dad) Week 5 Blog Challenge!! #STUBC17

What he likes to do for Fun:

  1. He likes to play sports
  2. He likes to watch his kids play sports
  3. He likes to spend time with his family


What he does with his Free Time:

  1. He likes to play sports
  2. He likes to watch his kids play sports
  3. He likes to spend time
  4. He likes to watch movies or read a book


What he does during the Weekend:

  1. He likes to mow his yard
  2. He likes to sleep in
  3. He likes to go to Church


What his job is like:

  1. He answers phone calls
  2. He takes orders
  3. He dispatches trucks
  4. He talks to coworkers


What Cultures he is familiar with:

  1. American
  2. Pennsylvania Dutch


What his Childhood was like:

  1. He played outside a lot
  2. He played a lot of sports
  3. He went on a lot of trips with his dad



  1. Hello again Courtney,

    I hope you had a good week. I hope you had a great ‘blogging’ week. Just to check are you prepared for the commenting game that will be coming up as part of the Student Challenge in a couple of weeks?
    1. Have you at least 5 other student blogs linked on the sidebar of your blog; blogs from other students around the world, not just those in your class or school. I see you have done this.
    2. Do you have a blogroll or link category called Global students or Global classes. I put a link about how to do this in my previous message. Great I see you have done this too.

    So Ms. Wyatt’s essentials in a great post are below. I have added whether I think you have achieved this in your most recent post:
    1. A catchy title. Your titles give information. Perhaps you could try some alliteration: Facts About My Fabulous Father, The Download on my Dear Dad.
    2. At least one visual (with attribution) whether photo, cartoon, video or another web 2.0 tool like padlet or glogster. You seem to be a very visual person usually. Lots of your posts have pictures. This one has none. You could make it much more visual by adding pictures that illustrate your Dad’s answers.
    3. An interesting topic with your passion for the subject coming through. Yes for sure, I can tell you love your Dad.
    4. A post that is well written and not copy/pasted from somewhere else. I thought this post was well written.
    5. A post has been proofread and spellchecked. Yes it was accurate.
    6. One that is written in paragraphs – at least three of them. You divided up the information well under headings.
    7. One that includes links to other websites on similar topics – at least two of these
    Ah … lots of children are forgetting about this aspect. Can you think of any link that would relevant.
    So you have achieved a high score. 5 out of 7. Ms.Wyatt says that if your post covers the seven things mentioned above e.g. has a catchy title, includes at least one visual etc. etc., it will be added to the flipboard magazine.

    Could you make any changes so that it would score 7 out of 7?

    When you have done that, Ms. Wyatt suggests you go to the blogging challenge and leave a comment on this post.
    Here is the link to the post she is talking about:

    Just to remind you she asks that you ‘mention what topic you wrote about and leave a link to your post’….not a link to your blog but to the post.

    I like the way you make clear that this post is not ‘other homework’ but a response to the Student Blogging Challenge by adding the hashtag
    #stubc17 Week 5 to the title.

    Keep up the good work.

    Hope you find this helpful. With every good wish
    Merry Beau

  2. I am really looking forward to what to write for this week’s challenge;
    The 9th week of the Student Blogging Challenge
    Write the very best post you can for your teachers and visitors to read.
    You can read more about what Ms.Wyatt wants you to do here:

    Good luck 🙂

  3. Hi there,
    Hope you are getting on well with your best ever post. I look forward to reading it. Be sure to reply to those who comment on your blog 🙂
    With every good wish
    Merry Beau

  4. As the Student Blogging Challenge ends, goodbye from me in Ireland and the best of luck to you in the future,
    With every good wish,
    Merry Beau

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