Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School


Xello Teacher


Why Xello?

Counselor Resources:

Teacher & Counselor Resources: 

If you have a career experience in your classroom, your students can earn a career artifact.  Career artifacts are required by PDE.  In order for an artifact to count, the experience must fall under one of the Career Education and Work Standards found on the SAS website.  The standard areas are Career Awareness & Preparation, Career Acquisition, Career Retention &Advancement, and Entrepreneurship.

In ELANCO we are tracking all of the artifacts through our career software, Xello.  We’ve tried to make it super easy for you to create assignments in Xello.  Please use the resources below to help you.  If you need other assistance, please reach out to me for help!

How to Create an Assignment in Xello

Student Resources

Student Introduction

How to Complete Matchmaker in Xello

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