Reba Jo letter

Emily Maldonado


           Dear Emit,                                                            September 26 2016


        Today I just  Saw this strange horned toad.It was very unfurturnet.I did not even know there is such thing.



    He was this icky green and this dark green spots and green spikes.My hat blew away in this gust of wind.So I made a deal with the frog for some chilly,a song on my gutar and a nap in my hat so I will not get in trouble.Then we went inside


    And  dad said “you look hungry partner”Then dad  gave him some chilly.Then I told him about the bet then he said I needed to to keep what I say.So then I got my gutair and played him a song.Bhimut there was no way I was letting him sleep in my hat.But then he asked for a kiss since I would not let him sleep in my hat dad gave me.So now I don’t know what  to now I do not want to do any of those choices.So I did not know what to do.


       He kept on telling me a deal is a deal.And he said if I kiss him he will leave pronto.So I was grossed out and I did not want to do it but I did.Right about I was going to wipe the toad spit off my face, I saw this prince!I wanted to say young caballero ,but I was scared.But I did say I am Rebo Jo who are you I asked.He said his name was Maximillian Jose Diego Lopez de Espana.I was so amazed I asked how did this happen.”This spell turned me into a frog,”He said.”I was waiting for my whole life for this moment,” He said.I told him about the story that daddy read me when I was young


                            And Me and him said “ a deal is a deal,’’.

  Sincerely,Reba Jo

On The Fields Of Strawberry Lake

 Marian and Laura  lived in a  hut by a lake.  Surrounded by the lake was a field of nice wild flowers .Red ,green,purple,pink,white and many other bright  colors.   

  Laura  and marian were taking a walk around the lake.”Ma”said Marian May we go swim?Ma said”yes girls but stay where i can see you and dont go close to the sinking sand pit  go ”.”Okay mother” said. Marian  so they went down to the lake.Their dog came running into the lake. splash! he got them all wet.”Hey”!said Marian”silly dog”.                                               


        “Kids dinner”. called Ma.”Ok Ma”said Marian.They had fresh beans and corn and some deer Pa hunted.”That was good”said Marian.”same for me”said Laura.After dinner they cleaned the dishes and went to bed.


         Next morning they had a lovely breakfast oatmeal and berries including blackberries ,raspberry,and strawberries.Once they were done they thanked their mother for breakfast .They did their chores.They all made their beds,and put on cloths.Ma washed the dishes,Marian patched the clothes,and Laura wash the clothes. Pa came home and they had a wonderful lunch.

                           This is the end of our wonderful story.The End.

Christopher Columbus voyage of a life time

   Christopher Columbus is  one of the most famous people in the world.   He was famous because he took a voyage of a lifetime.  This is a story about his voyage.                                                                               


The people around Christopher Columbus thought that the world was flat like a

piece of paper.He was going to prove them wrong.”I’m going to find a different rout to India”,Christopher columbus said. He said” to the king and queen I will bring back some spices”.The king and queen gave him permission to go on his long journey.Before he went on his long voyage he had gotten two sons Diego + Fernando.  


     He had 3 ships,Nina Pinta and Santa Maria.Nina is the smallest,Pita is medium,and Santa maria is the largest.He had a total of 90 crew members.So they went on the long took from sept. 6 until oct.7 Instead of reaching India he discovered the Bahamas.There was native americans.He thought that it was India so he named them Indians .They gave hive fruit and cloth and other different stuff. Then he sailed back . On the way on christmas eve the santa maria broke.It left to men on an iland becuse it was broken.He huried on the Ninia.                                                               

                                                                                                                                                                               He discovered this new place and this is why he is celebrated on oct12th.Christopher columbus faced many storms during his four expeditions.He died in prison.

Goals!!! For 4th Grade

 My goals for fourth grade is getting better at spelling words,also getting better at test,and math facts,and get better at playing the cello and bowing. I want to get better of all of those things and achieve them.And to get good grades.


      In fourth grade I want to accomplish a lot of things  this year.I want to accomplish my goals.On my cello I want to learn the songs, not look at the strings ,and go on tour.An learn how to care for it.


   I want to become a better fourth grader this year.To do that I can be a better student I help other people they may help me and all of us will be successful by helping them achieve there goals That is how I can be a better 4th grader.
        This is how I can be a successful 4th grader this year.                          

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