The Magical House

Once upon a time, I went to my cousin Faith’s house.  I wondered what she was doing all day.  Once I stepped foot into her pebble pathway, I imediately ran towards the door.  Faith opened the door and whispered to me “Hey! Where were you! Come.Quick!” Before I even said a word.  I told her “ Umm……. Walking towards your door? What else?’’  Okay so then we ran to her room and Faith showed me a glowing map.  I said “Woah!  That is BRIGHT!”  “ I know, right!”

                 Said Faith “Now, I found this in my yard as I was digging for bones.”  “Are you a Palientoligist?’’ I said “No.At least not yet.” Faith said. Everyday I go to this house and wonder why this seems so warming and loving. Faith told me about what the old couple said who they bought the house from. I finally realized that it was “magical” and made by “fairies”. I knew it was fake. Then Faith said “No! It is real and it was made by fairies.You just don’t belive it because you’re, umm…….You’re JEALOUS!!!  Me Jealous?!?! On some fairie house? Pa-lease Why would I be Jealous. Actually, I would be jealous of nothing. Well, soon Faith’s mom came in and told me and Faith that it’s time for lunch.                                                                                                                                                            

               Also I did ask Faith’s mom if the house was made by fairies.  Belive it or not, she said it was real. CrAzY right!?!  No offense but, I think that Faith might be a tinsy bit out of her mind.  Okay so, after that we went to her room and we looked at the map and saw that it had adventures. Not adventures that start in like forest, Adventures that start at this very house. We went to the tree, A.K.A. Secret hideout and found the easiest adventure in the book.  It was tame a dragon.  Now I’m curious what the hardest adventure is, riding a dragon, while fighting ghost goblins.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I’m so anxious now. I’m always ready for a new adventure.  Only if it’s not to risky. So Faith said “ Hey, I know a portal by the creek.” Okay things are getting very very strange around here. We found out that the only way to activate the portal was jumping from the bridge, to the creek.  So that’s what we did I said “ on the count of three let’s jump. 1,2,2 and a half,…..3! We jumped and instantly we sunk to the bottom, and rose up.  I said “ We stayed dry!” “Wow, Oh my gosh! Faith let’s go home before I have to leave! I mean we are dry.” I said Faith said, “ Yeah! Let Go!” So we ran and ran and ran to the magical little home. “ What about the dragon?’ Faith asked. I told her “When I come back. See ya!” And I ran home.  The end.


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