How To Comment On Other Bloggers Blogs

Hello fellow bloggers!

I’m going to give you some tips on how to blog on other blog post.  But first let me tell you this, before you comment on others blogs you have to make sure that the comment is appropriate for the blogger and other commentors to see.  So now, lets start. Please list the following :

1 First, find a blog that you want to comment on

2 Next, Make sure in your comment that you have something like “Hey! Nice narrative!” or something like ” Wow ! Your writing is spectacular!” Give them a Nice comment so they feel good about their writing.

3. Then in your comment do something like, ” Although, I wish you would of added…”  Or  ” Hey your writing is great and all, but I think you could of put more of…..” Your simply giving them advice for their next post or page.  They might take your advice next time they write.

4.  Also do something like ask them questions on like why they said for example, Elmo puked on the carpet.  Ask them why Elmo puked.  Just ask a question about why they did an action that they did in the story.  They might reply with an answer.

5. Your gonna want to add something at the end that relates your blog, and that persons blog. This is what I did for example, ” Hey! This sounds like a parody I wrote on my blog. You should come check it out!” Then added my blog link into my comment.

6. Lastly, after everything that you wrote in your comment, check over your comment. Make sure your grammar is correct, spelling is correct, and anything else that you wrote. Also be sure to check to make sure your blog URL is correct or else they won’t be able to visit your blog at all! And if you want more people on your blog, Then make sure the URL is good.

Well, those are all my tips for you on how to comment on others blogs.Thanks for checking out my blog!

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