Reba Jo Letter


                                                                                                    September 26,1800

Dear Tuck,


Guess what happened to me yesterday.I bet you have no dadburn idea! Okay,so this Lizard thingy came up to me while I was ridin’ Flash and this creature came up to me and spoke to me! It all started when I was ridin’ flash…


I was so close to lassoin’ a vulture and then a gust of wind came outta nowhere and blew my new cowgirl hat into a old rusty well! Then a lizard thingy started talkng to me and said somethin’ like “what seems to be the matter seǹorita?”I was so upset I didn’t even know what to do.


So I decided to actually listen to that creature.He said that he wouldn’t get my hat for free. We had to make a stinkin’ deal that he could do all this stuff in my privacy! Can you belive it? My Dadburn privacy.So now that my dad let him eat, he’s fatter that a tumbleweed!I’m afraid he’ll poop in my hat.So, now we’re gettin’ pretty close to the akward part.


Ok so then we were getting done with the deal and it’s time for the lulaby and a nap in the hat…But guess what? He asked me for a stinkin’ dadburnin’ KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was not going to make another acception to another favor! But then, he said this…”Seǹorita, if you give me this kiss, I will not take a siesta in your sombrero and you don’t have to sing me a song if you give me that one kiss.’’ So of course I agreed because I don’t  like anyone I repeat ANYONE touchin’ my cowgirl hat.


So I gave him a kiss and then I was gonna wipe his disgustin’ spit of my face when the stranges thing happened to the lizard thingy….He turned into a hansome prince! He was going to be my soulmate.Like in fairytales!But when I asked he said somethin’ so disapointin’ “Sorry Senorita.A deals a deal.”I mean how rude is he? Some prince.Well, now I’m over him.So, yeah.


DON’T EVER never fall in love with a stupid lizard thingy.


Your special very important awsomely amazingly fantasticaly bestest freind,
Reba Jo 🙂

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